U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Logo
Position Title
Project Management Specialist
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Announcement Number
SWGJ194306406653 Opens in new window
Open Period
Thursday, April 11, 2019 to Monday, April 22, 2019
For preview purposes only. To apply, please return to the USAJOBS announcement and click the Apply button.
1. Do you claim Veterans’ Preference? (limit characters)
2. 30 Percent or More Disabled Veterans

Are you a veteran who separated from active duty under honorable conditions and you:

• retired from active military service with a service-connected disability rating of 30% or more OR
• have a rating by the Department of Veterans Affairs showing a compensable service-connected disability of 30% or more

Supporting documentation: You are required to submit acceptable documentation of your appointment eligibility, as follows:

• DD Form 214, "Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty," showing dates of service, as well as character of discharge; member 4 copy of the DD Form 214 is preferable (Note: If you have more than one DD Form 214 for multiple periods of active duty service, you should submit a copy for each period of service.); AND
• A copy of a letter from the Department of Veterans Affairs, dated 1991 or later, certifying an OVERALL Service Connected Disability of 30% or more; OR
• DD Form 214, which reflects the character of service of "Retirement-Disability"; OR
• Certification document* which reflects your OVERALL service connected disability of 30% or more.
• The Standard Form-15 (SF-15), an Application for 10-Point Veterans' Preference is optional at the time of application.

The "certification" letter is a written document on an official letterhead of the appropriate military branch in which the veteran served, and contains at a minimum, the service member's: (1) military service dates including the expected discharge or release date; (2) expected character of service (i.e. honorable); (3) rank; and (4) type of discharge. The "certification" must be signed by, or by direction of, the adjutant, military personnel officer, or commander of the service member's unit or higher headquarters. The service member's military service dates are necessary in order to determine whether he or she meets the definition of ''veteran'' under 5 U.S.C. 2108(1) (Federal Register, 2016).

Useful Links

You may request copies of your military personnel records online.
You can obtain a copy of your DD-214 from the National Archives.
Standard Form (SF) 15, Application for 10-Point Veteran Preference
U.S. Office of Personnel Management's Veterans Employment
U.S. Department of Labor's Veterans' Preference Advisor

For more information, review USAJOBS Veterans resources.

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3. Current Department of Army Civilian Employees

Department of the Army regulations include several employment categories in the definition of "current Army civilian employee".  Do you meet one of the categories below?

• CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES SERVING ON A PERMANENT APPOINTMENT. You must submit a copy of your most recent SF-50, Notification of Personnel Action. Block 24 of your SF-50 must be a "1" or "2" AND block 34 must be a"1." Army employees can access their SF-50 at: My Biz.

• CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES SERVING ON AN EXCEPTED SERVICE VETERANS RECRUITMENT APPOINTMENT (VRA). If you are eligible in this category, you are required to submit an SF-50 showing current Army Excepted Service VRA appointment (block 24 must be a "2" AND block 34 must be a"2.").

• CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES SERVING ON AN EXCEPTED SERVICE APPOINTMENT WITH THE DEFENSE CIVILIAN INTELLIGENCE PERSONNEL SYSTEM (DCIPS). This category ONLY includes those who have personal career or career-conditional status earned with prior employment in the Competitive Service. If you are eligible in this category, you are required to submit two SF-50s: (1) an SF-50 showing current Army DCIPS employment, and (2) an SF-50 showing career/ career-conditional employment in the Competitive Service (block 24 of your SF-50 must be a "1" or "2" AND block 34 must be a"1").

• CIVILIAN ARMY EMPLOYEES SERVING ON AN EXCEPTED SERVICE APPOINTMENT WITH THE DEFENSE CIVILIAN INTELLIGENCE PERSONNEL SYSTEM (DCIPS) APPLYING TO A DCIPS POSITION. This category applies to those who are current DCIPS employees with the Department of Army that are eligible for reappointment as a result of personal competitive status earned with prior employment; or those who are currently serving on an Army DCIPS appointment without time limitation. If you are eligible for this category, you are required to submit a copy of your most recent SF-50 (block 24 must be a "1" or "2" AND block 34 must be a "2") and an SF-50 which reflects your highest grade held on a permanent basis.

• CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES SERVING ON A TEMPORARY OR TERM APPOINTMENT. This category ONLY includes those who have personal career or career-conditional status, earned with prior employment in the Competitive Service. If you are eligible in this category, you are required to submit two SF-50s:: (1) an SF-50 showing current Army employment, and (2) an SF-50 showing career/career-conditional employment in the Competitive Service (block 24 of your SF-50 must be a "1" or "2" AND block 34 must be a"1").
Note: The "current Army employee" category does not include permanent Army National Guard employees in the competitive service.

Supporting documentation: You are required to submit the documents which prove you are a current Department of the Army employee in one of the categories described above. To obtain a copy of SF-50s from employment with the Department of Defense, go to My Biz.

Are you a current Army civilian employee?
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4. Current Department of Defense (DoD) Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS) Employee (non-Army)

Do you meet the following?

• current Department of Defense (i.e., Air Force, Navy, Marines, DLA, DFAS, DIA, or DoDEA) DCIPS employee; and

• former permanent federal employee who has reappointment eligibility.

Supporting documentation: You are required to submit acceptable proof of your appointment eligibility, by submitting a copy of your most recent SF-50, Notification of Personnel Action, block 24 must be a "1" or "2" AND block 34 must be a "2."
To obtain a copy of SF-50s from employment with the Department of Defense, go to My Biz.
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5. Current Permanent Department of Defense (DOD) Civilian Employee (non-Army)

Do you meet the following?

Current Permanent Federal Civilian if you currently work on a permanent competitive service civilian appointment in any of the following Department of Defense (DOD) Agencies:

• U.S. Navy

• U.S. Marine Corps

• Department of the Air Force

•Other Department of Defense Agency (e.g., WHS, DLA, DFAS, DISA, DODDS, Defense Commissary, etc.)

Supporting documentation: You are required to submit acceptable documentation of your appointment eligibility, by submitting a copy of your last or most recent SF-50, Notification of Personnel Action, (block 24 must be a "1" or "2" AND block 34 must be a"1").

*Current Permanent Federal Civilians: You can check your competitive service status by viewing your latest Notification of Personnel Action, SF-50, Block 34, Position Occupied. If eligible, you will see 1-Competitive Service in this block.

*If you are currently working on a temporary or term appointment, or you are serving on active duty in the U.S. military service in any of the above agencies, you are NOT eligible for this hiring category.

*If you are currently working for a private sector company performing work related to a contract with a federal agency, you are NOT eligible for this hiring category

*DOD employees can access their SF-50 at: My Biz
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6. Executive Order (E.O.) 12721

This category includes those who meet the following conditions:

• you worked in an overseas area as an Appropriated Fund Federal employee

• you are/were a family member of an appropriate sponsor (a Federal civilian employee, a Federal NAF employee, or a member of a uniformed service) during the overseas employment

• you completed 52 weeks of creditable service, AND

• you are applying within 3 years of returning to the U.S. from the overseas tour of duty

An individual must have been a family member at the time s/he met the overseas service requirement, but does not need to be a family member at the time of non-competitive appointment in the United States. A family member is a spouse, domestic partner, or unmarried child under the age of 23.

Any law, Executive Order, or regulation that disqualifies an applicant for appointment in the competitive service also disqualifies the applicant for appointment under E.O. 12721.

Supporting documentation: You are required to submit acceptable documentation of your eligibility for E.O. 12721 which may include: A copy of your last or most recent SF-50, "Notice of Personnel Action," reflecting 52 weeks of creditable service or 26 weeks of creditable service if the sponsor's tour was curtailed.

For more information visit the Department of State website: E.O. 12721

Are you eligible under E.O. 12721?
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7. Interagency Career Transition Assistance Plan

Are you a current or former federal employee displaced from a position in a federal agency other than the agency hiring for this position?  If yes, confirm:

• you are located in the same local commuting area of the vacancy

• your grade is equivalent to or below the grade level of the vacancy and

• your last performance rating of record is at least fully successful or the equivalent.

ICTAP applicants must be well qualified for the position to receive consideration for special priority selection. Well-qualified is defined as meeting all of the minimum qualification standards and eligibility requirements as well as possessing skills that clearly exceed the minimum qualification requirements for the position.

*Note: Under competitive delegated examining, an ICTAP eligible will be considered well-qualified if they attain an eligibility rating of 90 or higher, not including points for veterans' preference.

Supporting documentation: Federal employees seeking ICTAP eligibility must submit proof that they meet the requirements of 5 CFR 330.704, by submitting a copy of the following documents with your completed application: A copy of your agency notice; AND,

A copy of your most recent annual performance appraisal; AND,

A copy of your most recent SF-50 noting current position, grade level, and duty location.  Additional information regarding ICTAP eligibility can be found in the OPM Employee's Guide to Career Transition.  For more information, review the USAJOBS Resource Center.
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8. Military Spouses, under Executive Order (E.O.) 13473

You are eligible for this hiring category if you:

• Are a spouse of a member of the Armed Forces serving on active duty for more than 180 days other than for training.
   - Limited to the geographic area of the service member's duty location. This includes the surrounding area which people reasonably can be expected to travel daily to and from work; OR

• Are a spouse of a 100 percent disabled service member injured while on active duty; OR

• Are the un-remarried widow or widower of a service member who was killed while performing active duty.

Supporting documentation: You are required to submit acceptable documentation of your eligibility for E.O. 13473 which may include:

• the service member's permanent change of station orders, a statement from the service member's unit with the specific duty location to which the member is assigned, reassigned, or transferred or other document which supports the service member's assignment within the geographical location of the vacancy;

• verification of the marriage to the service member (i.e., a marriage license or other legal documentation verifying marriage);

• verification of the member's 100 percent disability; and/or

• verification of the member's death while on active duty.

Additionally, you may need to submit a Standard Form-15 (SF-15), an Application for 10-Point Veterans' Preference, and applicable supporting documents as noted on the form.

To obtain a copy of SF-15, go to http://www.opm.gov/forms/pdf_fill/SF15.pdf.

Are you eligible to apply as a Military Spouse under Executive Order 13473?
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9. Non-Department of Defense (DoD) Transfer

This category includes competitive service, career or career-conditional employees of federal agencies other than the Department of Defense (e.g., Dept of Labor, VA). 

Supporting documentation: You are required to submit acceptable documentation of your appointment eligibility, by submitting a copy of your last or most recent SF-50, Notification of Personnel Action, (block 24 must be a "1" or "2" AND block 34 must be a"1").

*If you are currently working on a temporary or term appointment, or are serving on active duty in the U.S. military service, you are NOT eligible for this hiring category.
*If you are currently working for a private sector company performing work related to a contract with a federal agency, you are NOT eligible for this hiring category.

Are you applying to transfer from a federal agency other than the DoD?
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10. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Interchange Agreement Eligible

You are eligible for this hiring category, if you are:
  • A current non-appropriated fund (NAF); OR
  • Other Interchange Agreement eligible employee; AND
  • Served continuously for at least one year under a permanent appointment; OR
  • Former Interchange Agreement eligible (e.g., NAF) employee who served under an appointment described above, and was involuntarily separated within the past year without personal cause (i.e., not because of unacceptable conduct or performance).
Under Civil Service Rule 6.7 (5 CFR 6.7), OPM and an agency having an established merit system in the excepted service may enter into an agreement prescribing conditions under which employees may be moved from the agency's system to the competitive service. OPM has agreements with:
Nonappropriated Fund (NAF) employees of the Department of Defense. Agreement effective 9/20/91; extended indefinitely. Also see the paragraph on the portability of benefits for nonappropriated fund employees.
Tennessee Valley Authority.
Covers employees in salary policy positions (trades and labor positions are not covered). Agreement effective 10/16/57; extended indefinitely.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Agreement effective 10/1/75; extended indefinitely.
Veterans Health Administration of the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Covers employees who occupy medical or medical-related positions and were appointed under 38 U.S.C. 7401(1) or (3) [formerly 38 U.S.C. 4104(1) and (3)]. Agreements effective 10/31/79 and 5/12/87; extended indefinitely.
Federal Aviation Administration. Agreement effective 11/6/97; expires 12/31/19.
Department of Homeland Security, Transportation Security Administration. Agreement effective 01/31/13; expires 01/31/23.
Corporation for National and Community Service. Agreement effective 03/04/13; expires 03/05/19. This agreement includes employees assigned to the Office of the Inspector General (OIG).
Supporting documentation: You must provide acceptable documentation of your appointment eligibility by submitting copy(ies) of applicable personnel actions verifying the above criteria with your application.

Are you eligible under an OPM Interchange Agreement?
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11. People with Disabilities, Schedule A

You are eligible for this appointing authority if you are an individual:
  • with an intellectual disability; OR
  • a severe physical disability; OR
  • a psychiatric impairment; AND
  • you have acceptable proof of the disability.
Supporting Documentation: You are required to submit acceptable documentation of your appointment eligibility (e.g., records, statements, or other appropriate information) issued by:
  • a licensed medical professional (e.g., a physician or other medical professional duly certified by a State, the District of Columbia, or a U.S. territory, to practice medicine); or,
  • a licensed vocational rehabilitation specialist (State or private); or,
  • a Federal agency, State agency, or an agency of the District of Columbia or a U.S. territory that issues or provides disability benefits.
**Note: An agency may make permanent or time-limited appointments under this appointing authority.

For more information please go to OPM's website on Federal Employment of People with Disabilities.

Are you eligible under a Schedule A, Persons with Disability appointment?
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12. I am a military spouse who is currently married to my active duty sponsor. I am exercising my preference eligibility for positions within the local commuting area of my sponsor's current duty station.  I certify that I have not accepted nor declined a permanent, continuing Federal or non-appropriated fund position in the local commuting area of our current duty location. 

NOTE 1:  Military spouses are eligible for one permanent noncompetitive appointment using their preference eligibility for the duration of the active duty sponsor's assignment to a permanent duty station, as long as the military spouse has not declined or accepted a permanent Federal or non-appropriated fund position in the commuting area of the sponsor's current duty location.  If you certify that you have not used your preference at your sponsor's current duty location and it is discovered to be untrue, you may be subject to loss of MSP and possible disciplinary action. 

NOTE 2:  You must include a copy of the Military Spouse PPP Self-Certification Checklist along with the documents identified on the checklist to verify your eligibility for MSP. 

Supporting Documentation:  You must provide a signed Military Spouse PPP Self-certification Checklist, PCS orders/verification of duty location assignment, a copy of marriage certificate or license and documents as listed on the Military Spouse PPP Self-certification Checklist. .

Are you a Priority Placement Program DoD Military Spouse Preference Eligible?
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13. Reinstatement

You are eligible for this hiring category if you:
  • Are a former Federal employee who previously attained career status (identified as Tenure I (block 24) and Competitive Service (block 34) of your last SF-50, Notification of Personnel Action); OR
  • Are a former Federal employee with veterans' preference who previously attained career-conditional status (identified as Tenure II (block 24) and Competitive Service (block 34) of your last SF-50, Notification of Personnel Action); OR
  • Are a former Federal career-conditional employee (identified as Tenure II (block 24) and Competitive Service (block 34) of your last SF-50, Notification of Personnel Action) without veterans' preference who separated from Government service within the past three years.
Supporting documentation: You are required to submit a copy of your separation Notification of Personnel Action, SF-50 with your completed application.

Are you eligible for Reinstatement?
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14. Veterans Employment Opportunity Act (VEOA) of 1998

This category includes veterans whose discharge was under honorable conditions AND:

• who served 3 or more years of continuous active duty service in the military (NOTE: if released shortly before completing a 3-year tour, you are considered to meet this eligibility); or

• who have preference eligibility; or

• who have derived preference

Veterans Employment Opportunity Act of 1998, as amended (VEOA) is a competitive service appointing authority that can only be used when filling permanent, competitive service positions. It cannot be used to fill excepted service positions.
"Preference eligible" under VEOA includes those family members entitled to derived preference. For eligibility information and supporting documentation requirements, go to VEOA Derived Preference.
Supporting documentation:
 You are required to submit acceptable documentation of your preference or appointment eligibility. Acceptable documentation is:
• DD Form 214, "Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty," showing dates of service, as well as character of service (Honorable, General, etc.). The member 4 copy of your DD Form 214 is preferable (Note: If you have more than one DD Form 214 for multiple periods of active duty service, you should submit a copy for each period of service.); OR
Future Military Retirees*: You are required to submit a copy of your retirement DD Form 214 OR a copy of your approved retirement letter AND a copy of your terminal leave letter OR certification document**. You will be required to provide your DD Form 214 prior to appointment; OR
Future Military Separatees*: You are required to submit a copy of your most recent DD Form 214 OR certification document** OR a copy of your most recent active duty orders AND a copy of your terminal leave request (if applicable). You will be required to provide your DD Form 214 prior to appointment.
Disabled Veterans: You are required to submit a copy of one of the separation documents identified above AND documentation of your overall service connected disability identified on the SF-15, page 2, section B or Section C.
*Active duty military members who are selected may not be appointed unless on terminal leave before the effective date of employment.
 ** The "certification" letter is a written document on an official letterhead of the appropriate military branch in which the veteran served, and contains at a minimum, the service member's: (1) military service dates including the expected discharge or release date; (2) expected character of service (i.e. honorable); (3) rank; and (4) type of discharge. The "certification" must be signed by, or by direction of, the adjutant, military personnel officer, or commander of the service member's unit or higher headquarters. The service member's military service dates are necessary in order to determine whether he or she meets the definition of ''veteran'' under 5 U.S.C. 2108(1) (Federal Register, 2016).

The SF-15 is available on the U.S. Office of Personnel Management forms webpage.

You may request copies of your military personnel records online.

Additional Veterans' preference information
U.S. Office of Personnel Management's Government-wide Veterans Employment webpage
U.S. Office of Personnel Management Veterans Services webpage (OPM Vet Guide)

Are you applying for consideration under the VEOA?
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1. Select the lowest grade you are willing to accept for this position. (limit characters)
Assessment 1
Thank you for your interest in a Project Management Specialist position with the Department of the Army.
Your resume and the responses you provide to this assessment questionnaire will be used to determine if you are among the best qualified for this position.  Your responses are subject to verification.  Please review your responses for accuracy before you submit your application.
(limit characters)
1. Select the one statement that best describes the education and/or experience that you possess that demonstrates your ability to perform the work of Project Management Specialist at the GS-05 grade level or equivalent pay band in the Federal Service. (limit characters)
2. Select the one statement that best describes the education and/or experience that you possess that demonstrates your ability to perform the work of Project Management Specialist at the GS-07 grade level or equivalent pay band in the Federal Service. (limit characters)
3. Select the one statement that best describes the education and/or experience that you possess that demonstrates your ability to perform the work of Project Management Specialist at the GS-09 grade level or equivalent pay band in the Federal Service. (limit characters)
4. Select the one statement that best describes the education and/or experience that you possess that demonstrates your ability to perform the work of Project Management Specialist at the GS-11 grade level or equivalent pay band in the Federal Service. (limit characters)
Select the one statement that most accurately describes your training and experience carrying out each task using the scale provided. (limit characters)
5. Assure commitments are met in support of project execution.
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6. Coordinate civil works program budget requirements for planning purposes.
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7. Create and track project schedules within the scope of various projects.
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8. Develop, coordinate, and manage project management plans.
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9. Review and approve funding and manpower estimates to ensure there are sufficient resources to support project objectives. (limit characters)
10. Integrate cross-functional and interdisciplinary resource input into the preparation of schedules, products and deliverables.
(limit characters)
11. Coordinate the preparation of project budgets. (limit characters)
12. Adapt established work methods in response to new information. (limit characters)
13. Prioritize workload based on matters that need attention and resolution. (limit characters)
14. Resolve problems quickly with minimal information. (limit characters)
15. Discuss projects and conduct meetings with the project delivery team, management, stakeholders, regulatory agencies, property owners and internal and external customers.
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16. Provide authoritative project information and discussion of questions in meetings, conferences, etc.
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17. Present project information to review panels.
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18. Gather and distribute information on the project to ensure involved persons remain well informed.
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19. Prepare and disseminate technical data and/or information to a wide variety of users with diverse needs.
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20. Maintain project documentation and correspondence. (limit characters)
21. Prepare timely, accurate, and effective communications for customers, stakeholders, strategic partners, the workforce, and the public. (limit characters)
22. Collect raw data and ensures completeness of the data. (limit characters)
23. Input data into various types of computer software (e.g. spreadsheets, databases, etc.). (limit characters)
24. Manipulate data by utilizing advanced functions of computer programs in Excel, Word, and Power Point or similar programs. (limit characters)
25. Use software to create charts, tables, and graphs. (limit characters)
26. Your responses to the Announcement and Assessment Questionnaires, along with your resume and all supporting documentation are subject to evaluation and verification to ensure accuracy. Please take this opportunity to review your responses to ensure their accuracy. (limit characters)