Air Force Materiel Command Logo
Position Title
Air Force Materiel Command
Announcement Number
AFMC-10549192-ACWA-GS2010-5 Opens in new window
Open Period
Thursday, February 16, 2023 to Thursday, February 15, 2024
For preview purposes only. To apply, please return to the USAJOBS announcement and click the Apply button.
1. Do you claim Veterans’ Preference? (limit characters)
2. US Citizen - Are you a US citizen (either by birth or naturalization) or national of the United States? (limit characters)
1. Select the location(s) you want to be considered for. You must choose at least one location. (limit characters)
Assessment 1
OCCUPATIONAL QUESTIONS - Mark only 1 response for each question. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND AND WORK EXPERIENCE This section asks you to describe your educational background, your work, and other experiences in specific factors which relate to job performance. ALL QUESTIONS MUST BE ANSWERED. (limit characters)
1. From the descriptions below, select the letter that describes the education or experience you have that demonstrates your ability to perform GS-5, Inventory Management Specialist work. If your highest level of education is not described below, choose the letter that describes experience or lower level education that you do have. Mark only 1 response.
(limit characters)
I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all of the information included in this questionnaire is true, correct, and provided in good faith. I understand that if I make an intentional false statement, or commit deception or fraud in this application and its supporting materials, or in any document or interview associated with the examination process, I may be fined or imprisoned (18 U.S.C. 1001); my eligibilities may be cancelled, I may be denied an appointment, or I may be removed and debarred from Federal service (5 C.F.R. part 731). I understand that any information I give may be investigated. I understand that responding "No" to this item will result in my not being considered for this position.
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2. Failure to agree or respond to the statement below will disqualify you from further consideration for the position. Select the most appropriate response below.
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Assessment 2
The following questions ask you to describe your educational background, your work, and other experiences in specific areas which relate to successful job performance. You are to choose one answer to each question from among the alternatives presented. Do not omit answers unless instructed to do so. Other omissions may decrease your score. (limit characters)
1. During high school (grades 9 - 12), I made the semester honor roll:
(limit characters)
2. The high school grade I most often received was:
(limit characters)
3. The college grade I most often received was:
(limit characters)
4. In the past three years the number of different paying jobs I have held for more than two weeks is:
(limit characters)
5. I have been employed in work similar to that of the job covered by this examination:
(limit characters)
6. In the past three years, my primary work experience has been in:
(limit characters)
7. On my present or most recent job, my supervisor rated me as:
(limit characters)
8. In the past three years the number of jobs I have been fired from is:
(limit characters)
9. The number of civic or social organizations (which have regular meetings and a defined membership) that I belong to is:
(limit characters)
10. In organizations to which I belong, my participation is best described as:
(limit characters)
11. My previous supervisors (or teachers if not previously employed) would most likely describe my basic math skills as:
(limit characters)
ACCOMPLISHMENTS The questions in this part relate to fundamental competencies, such as problem solving and oral communication, required for the job for which you are applying. Please answer each question "A" for YES or "B" for NO. Keep in mind the following: 1) Some questions refer to "work" experience. Unless otherwise stated, this includes experience you have gained through: • School, • Volunteer work, • Military service, • Paid employment, • Hobbies, or • Professional, charitable, religious, community, social, or other organizations. 2) Some questions include examples to help show the broad range of accomplishments and experience applicants might have. Read the entire question using the examples as a guide, but do not base your answers solely on the examples. 3) Some questions ask you if you received a grade of B or above in your schoolwork. On an A, B, C, D, F scale, a grade of B or above is considered an above average grade. If you were graded on a different scale, use the equivalent of a B or above on the type of scale on which you were graded. Answer all questions to the best of your ability. Your responses are subject to verification through background checks, job interviews, and any other information obtained during the application process. Untruthful responses or any attempt to conceal information can result in your removal from a Federal job and in you being barred from seeking Federal employment in the future. Remember: A- For Yes B- For No (limit characters)
12. Have you successfully determined space layouts or assignments for equipment, furniture, displays, etc.?
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13. Have you successfully done work that required extensive on-the-job training?
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14. Have you received favorable feedback about your ability to provide oral instructions or on-the-job training to others, or about your ability to instruct or coach others in athletic, leisure, or community activities?
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15. Have you suggested or made changes to products or procedures that resulted in better meeting customer needs?
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16. Have you received favorable feedback for oral presentations you have given to management or other officials, or to the public (for example, for speaking at religious services, performing in theatrical productions, etc.)?
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17. Have you successfully dealt with a disruption to regular operations in a way that allowed for completion of the work or continuation of a noncritical service?
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18. Have you successfully done work that involved writing technical or legal reports, or translating technical or other complex material into language that was more easily understood?
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19. Have you successfully done work that required you to identify what a customer or client needs?
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20. Have you successfully reviewed and evaluated forms, applications, documents, or other information, not including contract proposals or bids, to make determinations (for example, to determine approval or denial of loans, eligibility for claims, etc.)?
(limit characters)
21. Have you successfully done work that regularly involved using computer software to run a payroll, accounting, or inventory system, or to record or track other quantitative information?
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22. Have you successfully done work that regularly involved conducting quality checks or following up with customers or clients to ensure satisfaction with a product or service?
(limit characters)
23. Have you often been asked to proofread or edit the writing of others for content, punctuation, spelling, and grammar?
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24. Have you successfully worked closely with a client over an extended period of time to complete a project or resolve a problem?
(limit characters)
25. Have you participated in training classes, workshops, or seminars outside of school that improved your performance at work?
(limit characters)
26. Have you received formal recognition for solving a work-related problem (for example, received an award, a letter of commendation, etc.)?
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27. Have you received formal recognition for your ability to work well with others (for example, received a letter of recommendation or appreciation, an excellent performance appraisal rating, etc.)?
(limit characters)
28. Have you successfully done work that regularly involved composing letters or writing reports containing several short paragraphs, such as investigation reports, accident reports, performance evaluations, etc.?
(limit characters)
29. Have you successfully done work, not including computer applications classes, that regularly involved using word processing software to create, edit, and format documents or correspondence?
(limit characters)
30. Have you successfully done work that regularly involved answering questions, gathering nonsensitive information, or providing assistance to others, either in person or by telephone?
(limit characters)
31. Have you successfully done work that only occasionally required you to present information at briefings, meetings, conferences, or hearings?
(limit characters)
32. Have you successfully planned activities for nonwork groups (for example, athletic teams, professional associations, religious groups, etc.)?
(limit characters)
33. Have you willingly changed routine tasks to accommodate new systems, policies, or procedures (for example, changed to a new filing system, computer system, financial record-keeping system, etc.)?
(limit characters)
34. Have you successfully done work, not including computer applications classes, that regularly involved using statistical software programs to analyze data?
(limit characters)
35. Since high school, have you received a grade of B or above in oral communication classes (for example, speech, public speaking, theater, etc.) or participated in activities that improved your oral communication skills (for example, training classes, workshops, seminars, debate team, speech club, etc.)?
(limit characters)
36. Have you received favorable feedback about your interpersonal skills when serving as a leader, instructor, or supervisor for academic, religious, community, sports, leisure, or work activities?
(limit characters)
37. Have you served on a decision-making board or committee (for example, student governing board, planning board, homeowners' association board, etc.)?
(limit characters)
38. Have you successfully written reports that presented facts, findings, logical conclusions, and persuasive arguments (for example, wrote a thesis, briefing papers, policy papers, complex research papers, etc.)?
(limit characters)
39. Have you learned a hobby or leisure activity well enough that you have been asked to do it for others on a voluntary basis?
(limit characters)
40. In high school, did you have an overall grade point average of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale, belong to an honor society, or graduate with honors?
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41. Have you successfully done work that involved reviewing various contract proposals or contract bids to determine which one to select?
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42. Have you successfully done work that regularly involved manipulating data in a computer database (for example, importing, exporting, merging, updating, sorting data, etc.)?
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43. Have you been given additional responsibilities because of your ability to organize and complete your regular work more quickly than expected?
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44. Have you written procedures or instructions that others have followed successfully (for example, instruction manuals, survey instructions, training materials, etc.)?
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45. Have you identified and solved a problem with a procedure, product, or service that benefited the organization (for example, saved the organization time or money, increased sales, reduced errors, etc.)?
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46. Have you devised a strategy to overcome a major setback that successfully enabled you to complete a project on time or within budget?
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47. Have you successfully done work that frequently required you to present nontechnical information at briefings, meetings, conferences, or hearings?
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48. Have you done work where regularly you were responsible for dealing with disruptions that impacted a group of people (for example, rowdy behavior at a public pool, weather changes at a camp, altercations in a prison, etc.)?
(limit characters)
49. Have you successfully planned or monitored a large-scale project or program that involved several steps that were carried out over an extended period of time?
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50. Have you successfully done work, not including computer applications classes, that regularly involved using graphics software to create and edit charts, tables, or graphs?
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51. Have you successfully done work that regularly involved listening carefully to others to understand a need, problem, or situation (for example, investigative work, counseling, etc.)?
(limit characters)
52. Have you successfully done work that regularly involved answering questions, demonstrating a product or service, or providing assistance to customers, clients, or the public?
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53. Have you successfully done work that involved deciding which supplies, equipment, or merchandise to purchase for a group or organization?
(limit characters)
54. Have you successfully done work that regularly involved verifying the accuracy of information or the relevance of information to a problem or a situation (for example, investigative work)?
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55. Have you done work that involved writing brochures, press releases, or speeches?
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56. Have you successfully done work that constantly required you to work under difficult time constraints?
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57. Have you successfully done work that required you to keep enough cash on hand or maintain an adequate stock of supplies, equipment, or merchandise?
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58. Have you successfully worked in a newly created organization that was still in the process of establishing its policies and procedures?
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59. Have you successfully planned an event such as a conference, fund-raiser, etc.?
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60. Have you developed a formal mechanism to learn more about a problem (for example, developed a survey, conducted interviews or focus groups, etc.)?
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61. Have you successfully done work that regularly involved making decisions about disclosure of sensitive or confidential information?
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62. Have you successfully learned a hobby or leisure activity requiring extensive study or use of complex directions (for example, constructing stereo or computer systems, making stained glass objects, etc.)?
(limit characters)
63. Have you willingly rearranged many of your priorities and much of your schedule to accommodate a major, planned change that had a long-term impact on you (for example, worked overtime for several months to implement a new system on schedule, had extensive renovations done on your house that required you to live elsewhere, etc.)?
(limit characters)
64. Have you successfully done work that regularly involved discussing sensitive information with others, or interviewing or surveying people, either in person or by telephone, to gather information they were reluctant to give?
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65. Have you successfully done work that regularly involved interacting or coordinating with people outside of your immediate work group (for example, people from other offices, departments, organizations, etc.)?
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66. Have you received formal recognition for your written work (for example, received an award, letter of commendation, excellent performance appraisal rating, etc.)?
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67. Have you successfully remained polite and tactful while doing work where one of your primary responsibilities was to handle customer problems or complaints (for example, worked as a customer service representative)?
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68. Have you successfully done work that regularly required you to determine resource requirements or monitor the use of resources (for example, staff, space, equipment, supplies, materials, etc.)?
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69. Have you readily rearranged virtually all of your priorities and much of your schedule to accommodate a sudden major change, problem, or setback that had a relatively long-term impact on you (for example, assumed the duties of another staff member who quit unexpectedly, took in an elderly parent who suddenly became ill, etc.)?
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70. Have you received formal recognition for providing good service to customers or clients (for example, received an award, a letter of commendation, an excellent performance appraisal rating, etc.)?
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71. Have you successfully done work, not including schoolwork, that regularly involved receiving varied assignments on short notice that needed to be handled immediately?
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72. Have you successfully developed an automated system that improved accuracy, efficiency, or productivity?
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73. Have you successfully completed a highly structured, formal training program, not including an apprenticeship for a trade or craft, that required you to learn a complex body of information (for example, training for jobs in insurance, law enforcement, real estate, etc.)?
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74. Have you successfully completed a complex research project that included collecting and analyzing information, and reporting conclusions or recommendations?
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75. Have you successfully done work that regularly involved informally providing oral explanations of technical information or other complex information, such as regulations, policies, or procedures?
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76. Have you successfully done work that regularly involved interacting with people, other than your co-workers, from a foreign country or from different ethnic or cultural backgrounds?
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77. Have you successfully done work that regularly involved deciding how best to use the strengths of team members (for example, deciding who to assign to various projects, which player to put in each position, etc.)?
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78. Have you successfully done work that often required you to accommodate last minute requests from customers or clients or to provide quality service in situations where timeliness is critical (for example, worked as a courier or travel agent, worked in newspaper publishing, etc.)?
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79. Have you successfully responded to external changes that impacted a business you owned or managed (for example, responded to changes in the market, new laws, etc.)?
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80. Have you successfully created computerized databases to organize information?
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81. Do you have a professional license or certificate issued by a state or other official or professional licensing board indicating your mastery of a specialized body of knowledge (for example, cosmetology, real estate, certified public accounting, etc.)?
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82. Have you successfully done work that involved making personnel decisions (for example, who to hire, promote, or discipline) or deciding how to allocate equipment, materials, staff, etc.?
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