Tuesday, November 1, 2022 to Monday, November 14, 2022
For preview purposes only. To apply, please return to the USAJOBS announcement and click the Apply button.
PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING ELIGIBILITY QUESTIONS CAREFULLY. Your answers will be used to determine your eligibility to apply to this job opportunity announcement. You will be considered under the eligibility option(s) to which you answer YES. Select YES to all eligibility options for which you want to be considered. If you respond NO to meeting the criteria for all the eligibilities, you will not be considered for the position(s) under this announcement.
NOTE: You must submit the required supporting documentation to receive consideration for EACH selected eligibility. Failure to provide the required documents will result in an ineligible rating and your application will be excluded from consideration.
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Are you a current Food Safety and Inspection Service employee who currently holds a career or career conditional appointment?
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Are you a Food Safety and Inspection Service employee who currently holds a career or career conditional appointment AND you have held or currently hold a position on a permanent basis in the competitive service with the same or higher promotion potential of the position being advertised?
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Are you a current USDA employee who meets the definition of a "surplus" or "displaced" employee, in which received official notice that your job is no longer needed or that you will lose your job by Reduction-in-Force (RIF)? If yes, confirm:
• you are located in the same local commuting area as the vacancy; AND,
• you are applying to a position that is at or below the grade level of the position from which you will be separated; AND,
• you are applying to a position that does not have greater promotion potential than the position from which you will be separated; AND,
• your last performance rating of record is at least fully successful or the equivalent.
Have you registered for reemployment consideration AND meet one of the below:
• Are you a current or former competitive service USDA employee who will be or was separated by Reduction-In-Force (RIF) and received a rating of satisfactory or above as your last annual performance rating? OR
• Are you a former USDA competitive service employee who separated due to a compensable injury or disability?
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PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING CAREFULLY. Applicants will be referred to all grade levels at or above the one selected for which they are qualified. Not selecting the lowest grade announced as your Lowest Acceptable Grade could limit your consideration for referral if, after review of your application, resume, and supporting documents, you are deemed not qualified for your selected Lowest Acceptable Grade. Selecting the lowest grade announced as your Lowest Acceptable Grade will not limit your consideration at higher grades; qualified applicants will be referred at the highest grade qualified.
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Select the lowest grade you are willing to accept for this position.
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I certify, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all the information submitted by me with my application for employment is true, complete, and made in good faith, and that I have truthfully and accurately represented my work experience, knowledge, skills, abilities and education (degrees, accomplishments, etc.). I understand that the information provided may be investigated. I understand that misrepresenting my experience or education, or providing false or fraudulent information in or with my application may be grounds for not hiring me or for terminating me after I begin work. I also understand that false or fraudulent statements may be punishable by fine or imprisonment (18 U.S.C. 1001).
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DOCUMENT UPLOADS -I understand that each document uploaded must be less than 5MB and in one of the following document formats: GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, RTF, PDF, or Word (DOC or DOCX). For more information see the "How to Apply" portion of the vacancy announcement.
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Assessment 1
Select “Yes” or “No” to the following question(s).
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I am a GS-5 or higher or have 52 weeks of time-in-grade at the GS-4 grade level.
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I am a GS-7 or higher or have 52 weeks of time-in-grade at the GS-5 grade level.
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I have at least 52 weeks of specialized experience at the GS-5 grade level (or equivalent) as described in the vacancy announcement under the "qualifications" tab, and this experience is clearly described and outlined in my resume.
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Please select the answer that describes your qualifications for this position for the GS-7. Note that your resume and/or supporting documents (if applicable) need to clearly support your answer.
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Select “Yes” or “No” to the following question(s).
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I am a GS-8 or higher or have 52 weeks of time-in-grade at the GS-7 grade.
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I have at least 52 weeks of specialized experience at the GS-7 grade level (or equivalent) as described in the vacancy announcement under the "qualifications" tab and this experience is clearly described and outlined in my resume.
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Please select the answer that describes your qualifications for this position for the GS-8. Note that your resume and/or supporting documents (if applicable) need to clearly support your answer.
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Select “Yes” or “No” to the following question(s).
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I am a GS-9 or higher or have 52 weeks of time-in-grade at the GS-8 grade.
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I have at least 52 weeks of specialized experience at the GS-8 grade level (or equivalent) as described in the vacancy announcement under the "qualifications" tab, and this experience is clearly described and outlined in my resume.
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Please select the answer that describes your qualifications for this position for the GS-9. Note that your resume and/or supporting documents (if applicable) need to clearly support your answer.
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Has your work schedule been full-time, i.e., 35-40 hours per week, for every position listed on your resume?
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For each question below please select the response that best reflects your experiences, tendencies, and preferences. In these questions, the term peer refers to co-workers, classmates, or other close associates.
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At work, it is appropriate to be flexible in some situations and not others.
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Before having to make an important decision at work, I would typically:
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Compared to my peers, people come to me for advice:
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How often did your previous supervisors (or instructors if not previously employed) return written work to correct little errors that you had made?
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I get frustrated when I have to consider many small details just to accomplish my work.
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I think encountering new situations at work makes a job much more interesting and exciting.
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I think it is very important to have a job where I do not encounter a lot of obstacles to get things done.
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I wait until I have all the facts before I take action:
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I work best when I have a schedule that is often unpredictable.
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I would prefer a job where I know in advance what tasks I have to do each day.
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My peers would describe me as being thoughtful and sensitive when dealing with people with different backgrounds than me:
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My peers would describe my behavior with a group of people whom I have just met as:
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My peers would say that I do a good job at maintaining my composure when dealing with people who are angry.
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My peers would say when I start something new, I always see it through to the end.
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My peers would say they can rely on me for guidance and advice, even when I am under stress.
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In the past, I would inform my supervisors (or instructors if not previously employed) of an issue or concern:
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Based on my previous work, my supervisors or instructors would say that I am best at:
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People I have worked or gone to school with would say that, once I develop a firm plan of action, I stick to it no matter what.
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In which of the following areas do people who know you consider to be your biggest strength?
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My previous supervisors (or instructors if not previously employed) would likely describe my self-discipline as:
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My previous supervisors (or instructors if not previously employed) would say that I often did more than what was expected of me.
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My previous supervisors (or instructors if not previously employed) would say that the statement most true of me is that I would:
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My previous supervisors (or instructors if not previously employed) would say they always trusted me to excel even when I was assigned multiple projects.
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My previous supervisors (or instructors if not previously employed) would say that I deal effectively with ambiguous or unclear situations.
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My previous supervisors (or instructors if not previously employed) would say that I spent a lot of time making sure all aspects of my work or school assignments were consistent and thorough.
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Select “Yes” or “No” to the following question(s).
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I understand that each document uploaded must be less than 3MB and in one of the following document formats: GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, RTF, PDF, or Word (DOC or DOCX). For more information see the "How to Apply" portion of the vacancy announcement.
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I understand that for my application to be considered, I must answer all questions, submit all required documents, and click "Submit" at the end. If I go back into my application, after submission, to review, make adjustments, or add attachments, I must click the "Submit" button again in order for my application to be re-submitted.
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I understand for information on the status of my application and the outcome of the application process, I (the applicant) must inquire through USAJOBS. No separate notification will be sent to me. To view the status of my application and the outcome of the application process, I must go to the USAJOBS website and log into My Account. Once in My Account I must enter the "Application Status" section of the website.
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I certify, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all the information submitted by me with my application for employment is true, complete, and made in good faith, and that I have truthfully and accurately represented my work experience, knowledge, skills, abilities, and education (degrees, accomplishments, etc.). I understand that the information provided may be investigated. I understand that misrepresenting my experience or education, or providing false or fraudulent information in or with my application, may be grounds for not hiring me or for terminating me after I begin work. I also understand that false or fraudulent statements may be punishable by fine or imprisonment (18 U.S.C. 1001).
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This online application, powered by USA Staffing®, a U. S. Government information system, is to be used only in the manner authorized.
You are authorized to use this system’s menus, controls, and features to do any and all of the following as a job applicant or potential
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