To verify your eligibility, you must submit supporting documentation such as a Reduction in Force (RIF) separation notice or a Proposed Removal/Separation notice to include your latest performance rating (if the notice does not have this information included, you must submit a copy of your most recent performance appraisal) and a copy of your latest Notification of Personnel Action, Standard Form 50.
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Are you a current or former federal employee displaced from a position in a Federal agency other than the agency hiring for this position? If yes, confirm:
you are located in the same local commuting area of the vacancy; AND,
you are applying to a position that is at or below the grade level of the position from which you were or will be separated; AND,
you are applying to a position that does not have greater promotion potential than the position from which you were or will be separated; AND,
your last performance rating of record is at least fully successful or the equivalent.
To verify your eligibility, you must submit supporting documentation such as a Reduction in Force (RIF) separation notice to include your latest performance rating (if the notice does not have this information included, you must submit a copy of your most recent performance appraisal) and a copy of your latest Notification of Personnel Action, Standard Form 50.
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Would you accept a term appointment?
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A review of your resume and supporting documentation will be made and compared against your responses to the Assessment Questionnaire to determine if you are qualified for this job. If your resume is incomplete or does not support the responses provided in the Assessment Questionnaire, or if you fail to submit all required documentation, you will be rated 'ineligible', 'not qualified', or your score will be adjusted accordingly. If a determination is made that you have inflated your qualifications or experience, you can lose consideration for this position. Please follow all instructions carefully; errors or omissions can affect your rating.
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You will not be considered for any eligibility you do not select. For all eligibilities selected, you must provide supporting documentation defined in the required documents section of the vacancy announcement to receive consideration. Please follow all instructions carefully; errors or omissions will affect your eligibility.
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From the descriptions below, select one response that best describes how your background meets the minimum qualification requirements for this Partnerships Program Specialist, GS-0301-12 position. Read all responses before making your selection. MARK ONLY ONE RESPONSE. If you select more than one response, or leave this question blank you will be rated ineligible. If you do not meet these minimum qualifications, you will be considered not qualified and will not receive consideration for this position.
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For the questions below, please select from A through E to indicate the skill level that you possess for each task listed. The questions were developed based on the knowledge, skills, abilities, and competencies needed to perform the work of this position. It is important that your application package, including a resume or application form, clearly shows how you possess the experience and skills levels you claim in this questionnaire.
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Select the one statement that most accurately describes your training and experience carrying out each task using the scale provided.
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In collaboration with other staff, formulates program and project recommendations that support and enhance goals.
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Develops and defines partnership strategies, policies, and processes and establishes Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to document partnership functions and agreements.
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Provides leadership as a senior advisor on policies and issues affecting partners.
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Participates in staff conferences involving management and shares in the formulation and adoption of operating plans, programs, and procedures.
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Represents management in interactions with key external partners (i.e. individuals, federal and state agencies, elected officials, community leaders and community foundations, etc.) to convey information on policies, negotiate agreements, and resolve potential conflicts.
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Coordinates, facilitates, and attends frequent public and internal meetings with a variety of communities and audiences to establish and build relationships.
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Researches, analyzes, and develops strategic and issue-specific communications plans for managing land use issues.
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Analyze potential impacts of management actions, advises key staff of these impacts, and formulates strategies to mitigate and/or evaluate these impacts to achieve desired management results.
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Develops briefing statements, notices, publications, and other materials to disseminate information about partnership programs and projects.
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Prepares and gathers all required pre-award documentation for submittal to the Financial Assistance team and/or solicitor for review and final award.
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Provides direction in program planning and oversight, develops innovative program methodology, and coordinates with other staff members in developing and implementing programs.
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Assists staff and technical personnel in analyzing annual program and project goals and advises on the selection of the appropriate agreement tools and authorities to achieve program objectives based on legislation, principal purposes, and substantial involvement.
(limit characters)
Develop a project plan with projected deadlines, projects, and work to be done.
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Maintains Agreement Technical Representative (ATR) certification for numerous agreement types and their subsequent task orders and administers complex cooperative management agreement (CMA).
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Assists in the development and implementation of new strategies, polices, and procedures that impact the visiting public or resources.
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Assists in coordinating, summarizing, and working with others in the development of managerial objectives, goals, standards, briefing statements, management plans, and other types of management tools.
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Anticipates problems or resistance associated with implementation and develops strategies to address or minimize those concerns.
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Serves as point of contact for investigation, enforcement, and correction of concerns regarding assigned areas of environmental protection through coordination with appropriate activities.
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Coordinates with National Environmental Protection Agency (NEPA), state agencies, other Federal agencies and non-government entities regarding environmental issues, especially with compliance.
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Facilitates meetings with the general public, interest groups, government representatives and corporations.
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Administers the Cooperative Management Agreement (CMA) program, including reviewing quarterly reports and financial statements; preparing necessary changes to modifications made against the original CMA.
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Independently performs studies, projects, and analyses which require judgement, resourcefulness, and leadership.
(limit characters)
Assists staff and technical personnel in analyzing annual program and project goals and advises on the selection of the appropriate agreement tools and authorities to achieve program objectives based on legislation, principal purposes, and substantial involvement.
(limit characters)
Serves as a principal advisor to leadership on the formulation, implementation, and evaluation of external affairs strategies including communications, partnership activities, agreements, and business activities.
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Skill in communicating planning, scheduling, and conducting projects and studies to evaluate and recommend ways to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of partnership and agreement operations.
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Skill in oral and written communications to develop and present materials that convey accurate information about programs and functions to groups and individuals having diverse levels of understanding.
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Communicate policies and guidelines applicable to commercial services and concessions to conduct comparability studies upon which to base pricing decisions and inspect facilities to ensure conformance with contracts or other agreements.
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I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all of the information included in this questionnaire is true, correct, and provided in good faith. I understand that if I make an intentional false statement or commit deception or fraud in this application and its supporting materials, or in any document or interview associated with the examination process, I may be fined or imprisoned (18 U.S.C. 1001); my eligibilities may be cancelled, I may be denied an appointment, or I may be removed and debarred from Federal service (5 C.F.R. part 731). I understand that any information I give may be investigated. I understand that responding "No" to this item will result in my not being considered for this position.
(limit characters)
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