Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs Logo
Position Title
Supervisory Compliance Investigator
Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs
Announcement Number
MS-24-PHIL-OFCCP-12329782KG Opens in new window
Open Period
Tuesday, February 27, 2024 to Tuesday, March 26, 2024
For preview purposes only. To apply, please return to the USAJOBS announcement and click the Apply button.
1. Are you a current or former DOL employee who meets the definition of a "surplus" or "displaced" employee, in which you received official notice that your job is no longer needed or that you will lose your job by Reduction-in-Force (RIF)? If yes, confirm:

• you are located in the same local commuting area as the vacancy; AND,
• you are applying to a position that is at or below the grade level of the position from which you will be separated; AND,
• you are applying to a position that does not have greater promotion potential than the position from which you will be separated; AND,
• your last performance rating of record is at least fully successful or the equivalent?

Note: To verify your eligibility, you must submit copies of the appropriate documentation, such as a reduction in force (RIF) separation notice, a SF50 reflecting your RIF separation, or a notice of proposed removal for declining a directed reassignment or transfer of function to another commuting area. You must also submit documentation to reflect your current (or last) performance rating of record.
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2. Are you a current Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) employee who currently holds a career or career conditional appointment, and have never held a position with a promotion potential of the position being advertised?

Note: To verify your eligibility, you must submit a copy of your Notification of Personnel Action, Standard Form 50 or equivalent personnel action form reflecting your permanent, competitive status.

Your SF-50 must reflect:
Tenure: Career or career-conditional (1 or 2) - Refer to Tenure box #24 on the SF-50
Position Occupied: Competitive service (1) - Refer to Tenure box #34 on the SF-50

For more information, review USAJOBS resources for Federal Employees.
(limit characters)
3. Are you a current Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) who currently holds or previously held a career or career conditional appointment with the same or higher promotion potential of the position being advertised?

Note: To verify your eligibility, you must submit a copy of your Notification of Personnel Action, Standard Form 50 or equivalent personnel action form reflecting your permanent, competitive status.

Your SF-50 must reflect:
Tenure: Career or career-conditional (1 or 2) -Refer to Tenure box #24 on the SF-50
Position Occupied: Competitive service (1) -Refer to Tenure box #34 on the SF-50

For more information, review USAJOBS Veterans resources for Federal Employees.
(limit characters)
1. I understand that the responses I selected in this questionnaire must be fully supported by detailed descriptions of my work experiences in my resume. In the event that my responses are not supported by my resume, the human resources office will amend my responses to more accurately reflect the level of competency demonstrated in my resume. (limit characters)
2. I understand submission of supporting documentation, e.g., transcripts, DD-214, SF-50, most recent performance appraisal dated within 18 months (or a reason explaining why one cannot be provided) may be required for this position. I also understand that my application will not be considered if the required supporting documentation is not submitted or is not submitted in accordance with the time frames indicated in the announcement. (limit characters)
3. Where did you first learn about this Department of Labor (DOL) job opportunity? (limit characters)
4. Please provide the name of the institution/college/university or organization/program/network where you first heard about this Department of Labor (DOL) job opportunity. If you learned about this DOL job opportunity through a DOL Sponsored Career Fair, please provide the name of the career fair. If not applicable, please enter N/A. (limit 250 characters)
Core Questions
1. Are you a current Federal employee? (limit characters)
2. If you selected "Other", please enter the agency and organization. If not applicable, please enter N/A. (limit 250 characters)
3. If you are a current Federal employee, what is your duty station? [City, State] (If not applicable, please enter N/A.) (limit 250 characters)
4. If you are, or ever were, a Federal civilian employee, please indicate pay plan of the highest graded position you held. (limit characters)
5. If you selected "Other", please enter the Pay Plan. If not applicable, please enter N/A. (limit 100 characters)
6. If you are, or ever were, a Federal civilian employee, please indicate the highest-grade level you held. (limit characters)
7. If you are, or ever were, a Federal civilian employee, please indicate the dates of the highest title, series, graded position you held (MM-YYYY to MM-YYYY or Present, or if not applicable, please enter N/A.).

Note: Time-In-Grade restrictions apply in relation to advancement to General Schedule positions of employees in the competitive service.
(limit 150 characters)
8. If you are, or were, a Federal employee who held a permanent position in the competitive service, what is the highest full performance level* of that position?

*Full Performance Level: The highest grade level in an employment career ladder. For example, if the position is a Secretary, grade GS-5 with a target grade or promotion potential to GS-7, the GS-7 grade level is the full performance grade level of the position. It is the highest grade in the Secretary position's employment career ladder (i.e., GS-5, GS-6, GS-7).
(limit characters)
9. May we contact your current supervisor for a reference? (limit characters)
10. Does the Department of Labor employ any member of your family? (limit characters)
11. If yes to previous question, please provide the name, relationship, organization in which employed, and location if known. If not applicable, please enter N/A. (limit 250 characters)
12. If you are a male at least 18 years of age, born after December 31, 1959, have you registered with the Selective Service System? (limit characters)
13. If you are a male at least 18 years of age, born after December 31, 1959 AND you have NOT registered with the Selective Service System, do you have an approved exemption?

Note: You will be asked to provide a copy of the exemption prior to the interview and selection.
(limit characters)
14. Are you a retiree receiving a Federal annuity, either military or civilian?

Note: If you are an annuitant, your salary or annuity may be reduced upon employment.
(limit characters)
15. Have you accepted a buyout from a Federal agency within the past 5 years? (limit characters)
16. For DOL employees only, what is your bargaining unit status? (limit characters)
17. The Department of Labor does not recognize academic degrees (including any coursework leading to a degree) from secondary schools that are not authorized by the state, or post-secondary educational institutions that are not accredited by an accrediting body recognized by the Department of Education. Any applicant falsely claiming an academic degree from an authorized or accredited institution will be subject to actions ranging from disqualification from federal employment to removal from federal service. Please check the appropriate box.

Note: You can verify your school's accreditation through its registrar's office.
(limit characters)
18. Are you currently serving or have you served in a Political Appointment in the Federal Government? (limit characters)
19. Please indicate your most recent performance appraisal rating from your most recent performance appraisal (within 18 months). (limit characters)
Assessment 1
1. To meet the Qualifications Requirements for General Inspection, Investigation, and Compliance, GS-14, select the option that best describes your education and/or experience background: (limit characters)
2. From the following list, please select the regulation(s) in which you have experience relating to investigating violations of and compliance with. (limit characters)
3. Please select the answer that best describes your use of investigative techniques, data analysis and statistics and/or senior level socio-economic trend analysis in government or private sector (university admissions service provisions, corporate HR, etc.) to determine whether violations of law have occurred. (limit characters)
4. Which of the following best described your highest level of experience or training in disparate treatment and disparate impact cases? (limit characters)
5. Please choose which of the following best describes your highest level of experience or training in systemic discrimination cases brought on behalf of a group of individuals seeking make whole remedies. (Note: Systemic discrimination cases involve statistical methods, analysis, and evidence, and a pattern or practice, policy or class case where the alleged discrimination has a broad impact on an industry, profession, company or geographic area). (limit characters)
6. Select all of the responses that describe your leadership experience. (limit characters)
7. The primary duties for this position include oversight of investigative decision making based on analyses, managing complex data research, and making complex interpretations and recommendations. Please choose all statements that demonstrate your research and investigative skills. (limit characters)
8. Select the response(s) that most accurately describes your work experience: (limit characters)
9. Choose the response that most accurately describes your demonstrated ability and level of experience to oversee and lead a team, task force or work unit, make work assignments, and monitor timeliness and daily program operations. (limit characters)
10. Select the response that applies to your leadership experience. (limit characters)
11. Please describe your experience reviewing materials for training programs. (limit characters)
12. Please select those experience statements in the following list that describes your highest levels of experience in leading, developing, motivating and providing feedback to team members. (limit characters)
13. I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all of the information included in this questionnaire is true, correct, and provided in good faith. I understand that if I make an intentional false statement, or commit deception or fraud in this application and its supporting materials, or in any document or interview associated with the examination process, I may be fined or imprisoned (18 U.S.C. 1001); my eligibilities may be cancelled, I may be denied an appointment, or I may be removed and debarred from Federal service (5 C.F.R. part 731). I understand that any information I give may be investigated. I understand that responding "No" to this item will result in my not being considered for this position.
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