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Position Title
Legal Administrative Specialist (Victim-Witness Assistance Program Manager)
Offices, Boards and Divisions
Announcement Number
24-GMS-CRM-004-MPP Opens in new window
Open Period
Wednesday, April 3, 2024 to Wednesday, April 24, 2024
For preview purposes only. To apply, please return to the USAJOBS announcement and click the Apply button.
1. Do you claim Veterans’ Preference? (limit characters)

Are you the spouse of a deployed, disabled, or deceased member of the military?
Federal agencies can use the military spouse non-competitive hiring process to fill positions on either a temporary or permanent basis.

You may be eligible if you are:

  1. A spouse of an active duty member of the armed forces. OR
  2. A spouse of a service member who is 100% disabled due to a service-connected injury. OR
  3. A spouse of a service member killed while on active duty.

You are no longer eligible if you remarry. You must meet certain criteria for each of these eligibility categories. Your eligibility does not entitle you to a job within the Federal Government. You must still apply and meet qualification standards and additional requirements, such as a background investigation. Learn more about the specific criteria for military spouses...

  • To verify your eligibility for option 1: You must submit a copy of the PCS (permanent change of station) orders indicating you are authorized to relocate on those orders.
  • To verify your eligibility for options 2 and 3: You must submit the Application for 10-Point Veteran Preference, Standard Form 15 and all supporting documentation identified on that document (e.g., Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, DD-214 (copy indicating character of service) or other proof of service which includes character of service; death certificate and documentation identifying marital status at the time of death; disability letter from the Department of Veterans Affairs or Armed Service, etc..
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Are you a current or former employee of a Base Facilities or Land Management agency?

For Land Management employees: You must meet all the following criteria to claim this eligibility. You must provide a copy of your latest Notification of Personnel Action, Standard Form 50 (SF-50) and performance appraisal that demonstrates you meet the requirements outlined in the Land Management Workforce Flexibility Act

  • You worked for a land management agency.
  • Your job was a term or temporary job in the competitive service.
  • You worked for a land management agency for more than 24 months - it doesn't have to be continuous, as long as there's no break of two or more years.
  • You received acceptable performance ratings throughout your term or temporary employment.
  • You did not leave your job due to misconduct or performance.

For Base Facilities Management employeesYou must be on a time-limited (a term or temporary appointment) employee of a Defense Industrial Base Facility or the Major Range and Test Facilities Base, you must meet all of the following criteria to claim this eligibility. You will need to submit your most recent Notification of Personnel Action (SF-50) form. See Base Management on USAJOBS for more information.

  1. You're a current or former employee of a Defense Industrial Base Facility or the Major Range and Test Facilities Base.
  2. Your job is or was a time-limited appointment in the competitive service.
  3. You were originally hired under open, competitive examination under Sub-chapter I of Chapter 33 of such title to the time-limited appointment.
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4. Are you a current or former federal employee displaced from the Department of Justice? 
To be eligible under CTAP you must meet all of the following:
  1. You are located in the same local commuting area of this vacancy; AND,
  2. You are applying to a position that is at (or below) the grade level of the position from which you were (or will) be separated from; AND,
  3. You are applying to a position that does not have greater promotion potential than the position from which you were (or will be) separated from; AND,
  4. Your last performance rating of record is at least fully successful, or the equivalent. 
For more information, review the USAJOBS Help Center...

To verify your eligibility: You must submit appropriate supporting documentation, such as a Reduction in Force (RIF) separation notice or a Proposed Removal/Separation notice, You must submit a copy of your most recent performance appraisal and a copy of your latest Notification of Personnel Action (SF-50) form.
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5. Are you a foreign service employee meeting either of the conditions stated below?

Have you completed at least 1 year of continuous service immediately before separation from one or more non-temporary Foreign Service appointments, in the Foreign Service immediately before separation from an unlimited, career-type appointment in that Service?
Are you a current or former limited non-career appointee with the Foreign Service and have at least 48 months of continuous service, a performance rating of satisfactory or better, and if a former employee, no more than a one year break in service since your qualifying appointment?

To verify your eligibility: You must submit a copy of your Notification of Personnel Action, Standard Form 50 (SF- 50) reflecting your non-temporary status. If you are outside of the 3-year requirement but are entitled to veteran's preference, you must submit a copy of your latest Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, DD-214 (copy indicating character of service) or other proof of your service which includes character of service.
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Are you an employee that was involuntarily separated from another agency due to a reduction-in-force (RIF)?
The Inter-agency Career Transition Assistance Plan (ICTAP) is an inter-agency program that helps "surplus" or "displaced" federal employees improve their chances of finding a new job at another agency (not their current or former agency), by giving these employees selection priority over other applicants from outside the agency.

You may be eligible for ICTAP if:

  1. You're a current federal employee who meets the definition of a "surplus" or "displaced employee—you've received official notice that your job is no longer needed or that you will lose your job by Reduction-in-Force (RIF).
  2. The agency you're applying to is accepting applications from outside of their workforce.
  3. The job you're applying to is in the local commuting area.
  4. You meet the qualifications and other requirements of the job you're applying for.

For example, if you work for the Department of Defense and receive a Reduction in Force (RIF) separation notice, you can apply for a competitive service job in the local commuting area at the Department of Justice.

To verify your eligibility: You must submit appropriate supporting documentation such as a Reduction in Force (RIF) separation notice to include your latest performance rating (if the notice does not have this information included, you must submit a copy of your most recent performance appraisal) and a copy of your latest Notification of Personnel Action, Standard Form 50.
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7. Competitive Merit Promotion Eligibility for Current or Former Federal Employees
  • Are you a current or former Federal employee who has held a career or career-conditional appointment in the competitive service? AND
  • Have never held the grade level or had promotion potential of the position being advertised?
Learn more about service type and tenure on USAJOBS.

To verify your eligibility as a current or former Federal civilian employee, you must submit a copy of your Notification of Personnel Action, Standard Form 50 (SF-50) or equivalent personnel action form reflecting your permanent, competitive status. Your SF-50 should document how you meet the above requirements including grade levels and full performance levels of current/past positions. You may need to submit more than one SF-50. Your SF-50 (or equivalent personnel action form) must reflect:
  • Block 24 - Tenure:  1 - Permanent or 2 - Conditional; AND
  • Block 34 - Position Occupied:  1 - Competitive Service.
If you are a former Federal service employee, provide your separation SF-50.

Please do not submit an award or pay adjustment SF-50.
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8. Non-Competitive Merit Promotion Eligibility for Current or Former Federal Employees
  • Are you a current or former Federal employee who has held a career or career-conditional appointment in the competitive service? AND
  • Have you held the grade level and/or had promotion potential of the position being advertised on a permanent basis?
Learn more about service type and tenure on USAJOBS.

To verify your eligibility as a current or former Federal civilian employee, you must submit a copy of your Notification of Personnel Action, Standard Form 50 (SF-50) or equivalent personnel action form reflecting your permanent, competitive status.  Your SF-50 (or equivalent personnel action form) must reflect:
  • Block 24 - Tenure:  1 - Permanent or 2 - Conditional;
  • Block 34 - Position Occupied:  1 - Competitive Service; AND
  • a remark documenting your promotion potential.
If you are a former Federal service employee, provide your separation SF-50.

Please do not submit an award or pay adjustment SF-50.
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9. Are you a former Peace Corps volunteer or VISTA member meeting the conditions below?
You're eligible if you have at least two years of service with the Peace Corps or one year of service with AmeriCorps VISTA.
Your non-competitive eligibility lasts for one year after completing your Peace Corps or AmeriCorps service. Federal agencies may extend the period for up to three years if, after your completed service, you are:
  • In the military service.
  • Studying at a recognized institution of higher learning.
  • Involved in another activity, which in the agency's view, warrants an extension.

Your non-competitive eligibility does not entitle you to a job within the federal government. You must still apply and meet qualification standards and additional requirements, such as a background investigation.

When applying for a job, include your Peace Corps or AmeriCorps VISTA certification of service documents with your application and make sure to mention your non-competitive eligibility status on your resume. See National Service Organizations, Peace Corps & VISTA on USAJOBS for more information...

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10. Are you claiming eligibility based on an OPM interchange agreement or other special authority?

You may be eligible under a special authority if you are a:

  • Former employee of the Canal Zone Merit System or Panama Canal Employment System.
  • Former employee who served in the Office of the President or Vice-President or on the White House Staff.
  • Former incumbent of a position brought into the competitive service.
  • Disabled veteran who has completed a training course under Chapter 31 of title 38, United States Code.
  • Former ACTION volunteer.
  • Current or former Foreign Service officer or employee.
  • Former employee of the Panama Canal Commission located in the United States.
  • Current or former employee of the U.S. Postal Service.

There are specific eligibility requirements for each of these special hiring authorities. Please read OPM's code of federal hiring regulations for more details.

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11. Are you applying for eligibility based on the Schedule A hiring authority for the employment of persons with severe physical, intellectual, or psychiatric disabilities?
Schedule A refers to a special hiring authority that gives Federal agencies an optional, and potentially quicker, way to hire individuals with disabilities. Applying under Schedule A offers an exception to the traditional competitive hiring process. You can apply for jobs using Schedule A, if you are a person with an intellectual disability, a severe physical disability, or a psychiatric disability. Learn more about Schedule A...

Notes about Schedule A eligibility
  • You must provide "proof of a disability" documentation with your application, stating that you have an intellectual disability, severe physical disability or psychiatric disability. You can get this letter from your doctor, a licensed medical professional, a licensed vocational rehabilitation specialist, or any federal, state, or local agency that issues or provides disability benefits.
  • Veterans with a 30% (or greater) disability rating from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) can qualify for Schedule A by submitting your VA Letter as part of your application and by claiming this eligibility option.
  • Appointments under Schedule A are in the Excepted Service, but are eligible for conversion to the Competitive Service after 2 years with a successful performance rating and at the recommendation of management. (If you are already in a competitive service appointment, you would be converted back to the excepted service if you take an appointment under Schedule A.)
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12. Are you eligible under the Veterans Employment Opportunity Act of 1998 (VEOA)?

VEOA is a special hiring authority, which gives eligible Veterans access to positions that otherwise may have only been available to current competitive service employees. In VEOA appointments, preference eligibles and Veterans are not given preference, but they are allowed to compete for job opportunities that are not offered to other external candidates. A VEOA eligible who is selected will be given a career or career-conditional appointment.
Eligibility  To verify your eligibility under VEOA you will need to submit appropriate supporting documentation that verifies your Veteran status, which may include a DD-214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty), an SF-15 (Application of 10-point Veterans Preference), or comparable documentation.

VEOA eligibility applies to the following categories of Veterans:
  • Preference eligibles
  • Service personnel separated after three or more years of continuous active service performed under honorable conditions.
Additional Resources
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13. Are you a Veteran with a Service-connected disability of 30% or more?

You may qualify as a disabled Veteran if you separated from active duty under honorable conditions, and you must have a service-connected disability rating of 30% of more, as determined by the Department of Veterans Affairs. You may also qualify for this eligibility if you were awarded a Purple Heart for your service.  For more information, review USAJOBS Veterans resources...

To verify your eligibility: You must submit a copy of your latest Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (DD-214) form, please submit the Member #4 copy. Additionally, you will need to submit the SF-15, Application of 10-point Veterans Preference form, and your VA Letter with the disability rating. 
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14. Are you an overseas employee or family member of an overseas employee moving back to the U.S.?

If you're currently overseas with a family member, and moving back to the United States, you may be eligible for a competitive service job without having to compete with the public, if you meet all of the following:

  1. You're living overseas with a family member, who is officially assigned to an overseas duty station.
  2. You're the family member's spouse, domestic partner, or unmarried child younger than 23.
  3. You've worked at least 52 weeks in an appropriated fund position, under a local hire appointment.
  4. You've received a successful (or equivalent) performance rating during your time on the job.

If you're eligible, you can:

  • Apply for competitive service jobs, within the United States, and agencies can hire you directly without having to compete with the public.
  • Apply to merit promotion jobs, if the job application states "open to family of overseas employees".
To verify your eligibility: You will need to include your most recent Notification of Personnel Action (SF-50) form and the orders or deployment notice for the qualifying family member.

For more information, review USAJOBS Former Overseas Employees resources...
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15. Were you formerly, but not currently, employed as a Federal civilian on a permanent competitive appointment (and are within 3 years of the date of separation or are a preference eligible) and have you never held the grade or full performance level of this position?

To verify your eligibility:
You must submit a copy of your separation Notification of Personnel Action, Standard Form 50 (SF-50) or equivalent personnel action form reflecting your permanent, competitive status.  Your separation SF-50 (or equivalent personnel action form) must reflect:
  • Career or Career-Conditional (Tenure field is 1 or 2);  AND
  • Appointment is in the Competitive Service (Position Occupied field is 1).
For more information, see Reading your SF-50 to Determine Service and Appointment Type (USAJOBS)...
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1. In the last five years (from the closing date of this announcement) have you served, or are you currently serving, as an Executive Branch Political, Schedule C, or Non-career Senior Executive Services appointee? You can find out if you have held one of these appointment types by looking at the SF-50s in your Electronic Official Personnel Folder (eOPF), in Section 5 where the legal authorities are listed.
  • A political appointee is an appointment made by the President with or without confirmation by the Senate (5 CFR 213.3102(c)) OR an assistant position to a top-level federal official if filled by a person designated by the President as a White House Fellow (5 CFR 213.3102(z)).
  • A Schedule C appointee occupies a position excepted from the competitive service because of the confidential or policy-determining nature of the position duties (5 CFR 213.3301 and 5 CFR 213.3302).
  • A noncareer SES appointee serves at the pleasure of the appointing official without time limitations (5 CFR 317 Subpart F).
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I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, all of the information included in this questionnaire is true, correct, and provided in good faith. I understand that if I make an intentional false statement, or commit deception or fraud in this application and its supporting materials, or in any document or interview associated with the examination process, I may be fined or imprisoned (18 U.S.C 1001); my eligibilities may be cancelled, I may be denied an appointment, or I may be removed and debarred from Federal service (5 C.F.R. part 731). I understand that any information I give may be investigated. I understand that responding "No" to this item will result in my not being considered for this position.
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3. You may be required to complete a pre-employment security screening and background investigation, which includes a drug screening. Do you accept this condition? (limit characters)
4. I have read the full vacancy announcement on USAJOBS and understand the requirements laid out under Required Documents section. I understand that failure to provide a required document may result in my application being rated ineligible, incomplete, or that I may be rated based on the information I do provide. I further understand that my resume must contain sufficient information about my work experience in order for me to receive credit.

Refer to the USAJOBS job opportunity announcement for the full list of required documents for each group of applicant.
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5. The Department of Justice requires that you provide proof that for 3 out of the last 5 years you have resided in the United States, worked for the United States in a foreign country in a Federal or U.S. military capacity for 3 out of the last 5 years, and/or been a dependent of a Federal or U.S. military employee in a foreign country for 3 out of the last 5 years. Are you able to provide sufficient documentation to meet this residency requirement? (limit characters)

The duty location for this position is in Washington, DC. Are you willing to come into the office at least four (4) days per pay period, or as required by Division policy?
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7. If selected, you may be required to serve a one-year probationary period. Do you accept this condition of employment? (limit characters)
Assessment 1
Thank you for your interest in the Legal Administrative Specialist (Victim-Witness Assistance Program Manager), GS-0901-13 position with the Department of Justice. Your resume and the responses you provide to this assessment questionnaire will be used to determine if you are among the best qualified for this position. Your responses are subject to verification. Please review your responses for accuracy before you submit your application.

Please list any awards (e.g. superior performance awards, special act or achievement awards, quality step increase, etc.) you received in the last 5 years (DO NOT SUBMIT SF-50s.) For credit to be granted, you must enter the month and year the award was received in the narrative box below. (If you do not have awards to list, please place N/A in the narrative box.)

Later steps in the selection process are specifically designed to verify your responses. Your resume must clearly reflect examples of your selected responses. If selected for an interview, you may be asked to give specific examples during your interview. Deliberate attempts to falsify information will be grounds for disqualifying you from consideration for this position. Please review your responses for accuracy before you submit this application. Incomplete/incorrect responses may result in you not receiving appropriate consideration.
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SELECTIVE PLACEMENT FACTOR (SPF): In addition to the specialized experience requirements, one (1) or more Selective Placement Factor(s) will be used to determine minimum qualifications. If you do not possess the following requirement(s), you will not be given further consideration for this position. (limit characters)
Select “Yes” or “No” to the following question(s). (limit characters)
1. Do you have extensive experience in enforcing victim-witness protections in compliance with the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, the Crime Victim Rights Act, and the Attorney General Guidelines on Victim and Witness Assistance or similar victim-witness protections under state law? (limit characters)
2. List the specific position(s) and date(s) from your resume that validates your response to Question #1. (limit characters)
Select “Yes” or “No” to the following question(s). (limit characters)
3. Do you have extensive experience applying victim-centered best practices in the federal or state criminal justice system, experience working with victims of human trafficking, criminal civil rights violations, and related crimes, experience coordinating among federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies and non-governmental victim advocates, experience training others in victim-witness issues in the context of federal or state criminal investigations and prosecutions, and experience producing substantive written work product related to victim-witness issues in the federal or state criminal justice system? (limit characters)
4. List the specific position(s) and date(s) from your resume that validates your response to Question #3. (limit characters)
Please select the statement that best describes the experience you possess that demonstrates your ability to perform the work of Legal Administrative Specialist (Victim Witness Assistance Program Manager) at the GS-13 grade level or equivalent pay band in the Federal Service.  (Select one) (limit characters)
5. I have at least one full-time year (12-months) of specialized experience equivalent to the GS-12 level or other pay system in the Federal service that demonstrates that I have experience performing all of the following: developing and implementing strategies for spreading information about victim and witness protection laws, policies, and programs; providing training and guidance to prosecutors, law enforcement officers, and other official personnel on victim and witness-related matters and other relevant victim services; offering in-court support during hearings and trials. (limit characters)
For each technical area below, select the response that most accurately describes your current level of experience and demonstrated capability. (limit characters)
6. Work with law enforcement personnel, victim-witnesses, victim advocates, and victim service providers to address medical, psychological, social service, safety, and other needs to stabilize victims and enable them to provide testimony and statements. (Attention to Detail)
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7. Provide timely notifications to victims and their representatives, and coordinate issuance of notification letters in cases handled by the Criminal Section, in coordination with USAOs as appropriate. (Customer Service)
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8. Maintain communication with victim-witnesses, including in-person assistance as necessary, to support victims' participation in investigations, grand jury proceedings, trial preparation, trial, submission of written and oral victim impact statements, hearings, and other relevant aspects of criminal investigations and prosecutions. (Oral Communication)
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9. Identify potential resources available to victims of trafficking and other federal civil rights crimes and disseminate guidance to federal, state, local, and tribal agencies, task forces, and NGOs to facilitate access to victim assistance resources. (Decision Making)
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10. Develop and implement procedures to comply with federal laws, regulations, guidelines, and policies pertaining to crime victims and witnesses. (Problem Solving)
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Please select the answer that best indicates your experience demonstrating the ability to fulfill the duties of a Legal Administrative Specialist (Victim Witness Assistance Program Manager) at the GS-13 grade level or equivalent pay band in the Federal Service. (Select Yes or No) (limit characters)
Select “Yes” or “No” to the following question(s). (limit characters)
11. Compile, draft, and review submissions for mandatory periodic reports. (Attention to Detail)
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12. Coordinate with relevant components on issues impacting victim-witness assistance and victim-centered best practices. (Customer Service)
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13. Disseminate expertise and guidance through distance learning platforms, publications, and outreach. (Oral Communication)
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14. Develop and deliver training programs. (Decision Making)
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15. Coordinate issuance of certifications, letters, and other correspondence. (Problem Solving)
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Please select the statement that best describes the experience you possess that demonstrates your ability to perform the work of Legal Administrative Specialist (Victim Witness Assistance Program Manager) at the GS-13 grade level or equivalent pay band in the Federal Service.  (Select one) (limit characters)
For each item, select the one response that most accurately describes your current level of experience and capability using the scale below. (limit characters)
16. Delegate appropriate projects, tasks, and assignments to other victim-witness personnel. (Attention to Detail)
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17. Assist law enforcement, victims, and victim advocates in facilitating access to services, benefits, and legal protections for crime victims and witnesses. (Customer Service)
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18. Plan and conduct training sessions on victim issues for personnel as required by applicable laws, regulations, guidelines, and policies. (Oral Communication)
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19. Assess current practices to develop improved strategies for providing services to victims of human trafficking and criminal civil rights offenses and ensuring compliance with all applicable victim protections. (Decision Making)
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20. Supervise completion of delegated projects, tasks, and assignments, and consult with management as necessary. (Problem Solving)
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