Office of Inspector General Logo
Position Title
Administrative Officer
Office of Inspector General
Announcement Number
MS-25-OIG-OMAP-11-12660813 Opens in new window
Open Period
Monday, January 13, 2025 to Monday, January 27, 2025
For preview purposes only. To apply, please return to the USAJOBS announcement and click the Apply button.
1. Do you claim Veterans’ Preference? (limit characters)
2. Are you a veteran who separated from active duty under honorable conditions (this means an honorable or general discharge) AND you either:

• retired from active military service with a disability rating of 30 percent or more; OR 
• rated by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) since 1991 or later to include disability determinations from a branch of the Armed Forces at any time, as having a compensable service-connected disability of 30 percent or more. 

Note: To verify your eligibility, you must submit a copy of your latest Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, DD-214 (copy indicating character of service) or other proof of your service which includes character of service; AND the disability letter from the Department of Veterans Affairs or Armed Service.

For more information, click here to review USAJOBS Veterans resources.
(limit characters)
3. Are you a current or former DOL employee who meets the definition of a "surplus" or "displaced" employee, in which you received official notice that your job is no longer needed or that you will lose your job by Reduction-in-Force (RIF)? If yes, confirm:

• You are located in the same local commuting area as the vacancy; AND,
• You are applying to a position that is at or below the grade level of the position from which you will be separated; AND,
• You are applying to a position that does not have greater promotion potential than the position from which you will be separated; AND,
• Your last performance rating of record is at least fully successful or the equivalent

Note: To verify your eligibility, you must submit copies of the appropriate documentation, such as a reduction in force (RIF) separation notice, a SF50 reflecting your RIF separation, or a notice of proposed removal for declining a directed reassignment or transfer of function to another commuting area. You must also submit documentation to reflect your current (or last) performance rating of record.
(limit characters)
4. Are you the spouse of a member of the Armed Forces on active duty?

To claim eligibility as military spouse you MUST provide the following documents:
  • A valid marriage certificate or other documentation verifying marriage (such as any official documentation verifying a recognized common law marriage) and
  • A copy of the orders verifying the military member is currently on active duty from the Military Department

Are you the spouse of a member of the Armed Forces who retired with a disability rating of 100 percent at the time of retirement OR the spouse of a member of the Armed Forces who retired or separated from the Armed Forces and has a disability rating of 100 percent from the Department of Veterans Affairs?

To claim eligibility as spouse of a totally disabled retired, released or discharged member, you MUST provide the following documentation:
  • A copy of the spouse's Department of Defense (DD) Form 214; and
  • A copy of documentation from either the Department of Veterans Affairs or the Department of Defense indicating the service member has a disability rating of 100 percent due to a service-connected disability; and
  • A valid marriage certificate or other documentation verifying marriage (such as any official documentation verifying a recognized common law marriage)

Are you the un-remarried widow or widower of a member of the Armed Forces killed while in active-duty status (it is not necessary that the active-duty member was killed in combat - the death may have been the result of enemy attack, accident, disease, or natural causes)?

To claim eligibility, you MUST provide the following documentation:
  • Documentation showing the member was released or discharged from active duty due to his or her death while on active duty e.g. DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty; and
  • Documentation verifying the member of the armed forces was killed while serving on active duty, e.g., DD Form 1300, Report of Casualty; and
  • Documentation verifying the widow or widower's marriage to the member of the armed forces (e.g., a marriage license or other legal documentation verifying marriage); and
  • A statement certifying that the individual seeking to use the authority is the un-remarried widow or widower of the service member.
For more information, click here to review USAJOBS Military Spouses resources.
(limit characters)
5. Are you a current Federal employee who currently holds a career or career conditional appointment AND you have NOT held or currently hold a position on a permanent basis in the competitive service with the same or higher promotion potential of the position being advertised?

Note: To verify your eligibility, you must submit a copy of your Notification of Personnel Action, Standard Form 50 or equivalent personnel action form reflecting your permanent, competitive status. 

Your SF-50 must reflect:
• Tenure: Career or career-conditional (1-Permanent or 2-Conditional) - refer to Tenure Box #24 on the SF-50
• Position Occupied: Competitive service (1) - refer to Position Occupied Box #34 on the SF-50

For more information, click here to review USAJOBS resources for Federal Employees.
(limit characters)
6. Are you a current Federal employee who currently holds a career or career conditional appointment AND you have held or currently hold a position on a permanent basis in the competitive service with the same or higher promotion potential of the position being advertised?

Note: To verify your eligibility, you must submit a copy of your Notification of Personnel Action, Standard Form 50 or equivalent personnel action form reflecting your permanent, competitive status. 

Your SF-50 must reflect:
• Tenure: Career or career-conditional (1-Permanent or 2-Conditional) - refer to Tenure Box #24 on the SF-50
• Position Occupied: Competitive service (1) - refer to Position Occupied Box #34 on the SF-50

For more information, click here to review USAJOBS resources for Federal Employees.
(limit characters)
7. Are you a current or former federal employee displaced from a position in a Federal agency other than DOL who meets the definition of a "surplus" or "displaced" employee, in which you received official notice that your job is no longer needed or that you will lose your job by Reduction-in-Force (RIF)? If yes, confirm:

• you are located in the same local commuting area as the vacancy; AND,
• you are applying to a position that is at or below the grade level of the position from which you were or will be separated; AND,
• you are applying to a position that does not have greater promotion potential than the position from which you were or will be separated; AND,
• your last performance rating of record is at least fully successful or the equivalent?

Note: To verify your eligibility, you must submit copies of the appropriate documentation, such as a reduction in force (RIF) separation notice, a SF50 reflecting your RIF separation, or a notice of proposed removal for declining a directed reassignment or transfer of function to another commuting area. You must also submit documentation to reflect your current (or last) performance rating of record.
(limit characters)
8. Are you a current (or former) employee of one or more of the following Land Management Agencies (Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Reclamation) and meet all of the following:
(a) worked for the agency/agencies on a time-limited (temporary or term) basis;
(b) held those jobs totaling more than 24 total months;
(c) did not have more than a 2-year break between those jobs; AND
(d) had performance ratings at or above the "acceptable" level during your employment?

Note: To verify your eligibility, applicants must submit ALL Appointment and Resignation/Termination SF-50 personnel actions, along with copies of performance ratings that cover each of those service periods. Service must be in the competitive service and have been at a successful level of performance or better. Part-time and intermittent service will be credited only for time actually worked. Non-pay status (such as LWOP) is credited for up to six months in a calendar year; anything beyond six months is not credited. Applicants are responsible for providing sufficient information/documentation to determine if the 24 month criteria is met.
(limit characters)
9. Are you a current Excepted Service employee of a Federal Agency that has a valid interchange agreement with the Office of Personnel Management?


Are you a current:
• Postal Career Service Employee;
• Postal Rate Commission Employee;
• Government Accountability Office (GAO) Employee; OR
• Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts Employee?

Note: To verify your eligibility, you must submit a copy of your Notification of Personnel Action, Standard Form 50 or equivalent personnel action form reflecting your eligibility under the OPM Interchange Agreement and Other Miscellaneous Authorities. 

For more information, click here to review Miscellaneous Authorities Not Regulated By U.S. Office of Personnel Management.
(limit characters)
10. Are you a former Peace Corps volunteer or VISTA member who has completed your service within the past twelve months? 


Are you a former Peace Corps volunteer or VISTA member who has completed your service within the past 36 months and are requesting an extension of your non-competitive eligibility due to your military service, status as a full-time student or other experience related to this position? 


Are you a current or former Peace Corps employee who has completed at least 36 months of continuous service and has been separated from the Peace Corps for less than three years?

Note: To verify your eligibility, you must submit a copy of your description of service or other proof of non-competitive eligibility. If you are a former Peace Corps volunteer or VISTA member who is requesting an extension of your non-competitive eligibility, please also provide the necessary documentation to support your request. 

For more information, click here to review USAJOBS resources for Peace Corps & AmeriCorps VISTA.
(limit characters)
11. Do you have a severe intellectual disability, severe physical disability, or psychiatric disability that qualifies you for a Schedule A Disability appointment?

Note: To verify your eligibility, then you must provide a disability letter from you doctor or a licensed medical professional that proves your eligibility for the Schedule A hiring authority 5 CFR 213.3102 (u) for people with intellectual disabilities, severe physical disabilities or psychiatric disabilities. 

For more information, click here to review USAJOBS resources for Individuals with Disabilities.
(limit characters)
12. Were you formerly employed as a Federal civilian employee on a permanent competitive appointment, or did you obtain career-conditional status and are within 3 years of the date of separation, but have NOT held a position with a promotion potential of the position being advertised?

Note: To verify your eligibility, you must submit a copy of your Notification of Personnel Action, Standard Form 50 or equivalent personnel action form reflecting your permanent, competitive status. 

Your SF-50 must reflect:
• Tenure: Career or career-conditional (1-Permanent or 2-Conditional) - refer to Tenure Box #24 on the SF-50
• Position Occupied: Competitive service (1) - refer to Position Occupied Box #34 on the SF-50

For more information, click here to review USAJOBS resources for Federal Employees.
(limit characters)
13. Were you formerly employed as a Federal civilian employee on a permanent competitive appointment, or did you obtain career-conditional status and are within 3 years of the date of separation, and the position was the same or higher promotion potential of the position being advertised?
Were you formerly a federal civilian employee on a permanent appointment in the competitive service, and the position you were in was lower than the promotion potential of the position for which you are applying, and you had a break in service of one year or longer, and your most recent performance appraisal was at least fully successful or equivalent?

Note:  To verify your eligibility, you must submit a copy of your Notification of Personnel Action, Standard Form 50 or equivalent personnel action form reflecting your permanent, competitive status. 

Your SF-50 must reflect:
• Tenure: Career or career-conditional (1-Permanent or 2-Conditional) - refer to Tenure Box #24 on the SF-50
• Position Occupied: Competitive service (1) - refer to Position Occupied Box #34 on the SF-50

For more information, click here to review USAJOBS resources for Federal Employees.
(limit characters)
14. Are you:

• a veteran whose latest discharge was under honorable conditions AND you served three or more years of continuous active duty service in the military (Note: if released shortly before completing a 3-year tour, you are considered to meet the eligibility); OR,
• eligible for veterans' preference?

Note: To verify your eligibility, you must provide supporting documentation with your application. If you are currently on active duty you may be considered under the two provisions above provided you submit a certification of expected discharge or release from active duty service under honorable conditions not later than 120 days after the date the certification is submitted.  

For more information, click here to review USAJOBS resources for Veterans.
(limit characters)
1. I understand that the responses I selected in this questionnaire must be fully supported by detailed descriptions of my work experiences in my resume. In the event that my responses are not supported by my resume, the human resources office will amend my responses to more accurately reflect the level of competency demonstrated in my resume. (limit characters)
2. I understand submission of supporting documentation, e.g., transcripts, DD-214, SF-50, most recent performance appraisal dated within 18 months (or a reason explaining why one cannot be provided) may be required for this position. I also understand that my application will not be considered if the required supporting documentation is not submitted or is not submitted in accordance with the time frames indicated in the announcement. (limit characters)
3. Where did you first learn about this Department of Labor (DOL) job opportunity? (limit characters)
4. Please provide the name of the institution/college/university or organization/program/network where you first heard about this Department of Labor (DOL) job opportunity. If you learned about this DOL job opportunity through a DOL Sponsored Career Fair, please provide the name of the career fair. If not applicable, please enter N/A. (limit 250 characters)
Core Questions
1. Are you a current Federal employee? (limit characters)
2. If you are, or ever were, a Federal civilian employee, please indicate pay plan of the highest graded position you held. (limit characters)
3. If you are, or ever were, a Federal civilian employee, please indicate the highest-grade level you held. (limit characters)
4. If you are, or ever were, a Federal civilian employee, please indicate the dates of the highest title, series, graded position you held (MM-YYYY to MM-YYYY or Present, or if not applicable, please enter N/A.).

Note: Time-In-Grade restrictions apply in relation to advancement to General Schedule positions of employees in the competitive service.
(limit 150 characters)
5. May we contact your current supervisor for a reference? (limit characters)
6. Does the Department of Labor employ any member of your family? (limit characters)
7. If yes to previous question, please provide the name, relationship, organization in which employed, and location if known. If not applicable, please enter N/A. (limit 250 characters)
8. If you are a male at least 18 years of age, born after December 31, 1959, have you registered with the Selective Service System? (limit characters)
9. If you are a male at least 18 years of age, born after December 31, 1959 AND you have NOT registered with the Selective Service System, do you have an approved exemption?

Note: You will be asked to provide a copy of the exemption prior to the interview and selection.
(limit characters)
10. Are you a retiree receiving a Federal annuity, either military or civilian?

Note: If you are an annuitant, your salary or annuity may be reduced upon employment.
(limit characters)
11. Have you accepted a buyout from a Federal agency within the past 5 years? (limit characters)
12. Are you currently serving or have you served in a Political Appointment in the Federal Government? (limit characters)
Assessment 1
1. To meet Qualification Requirements for Administrative Officer, GS-15, select the option that best describes your experience.
(limit characters)
2. Which of the following best describes your highest level of experience in leading and motivating subordinates? (limit characters)
3. Select the one answer choice that best describes your highest level of building coalitions and communications (i.e. modeling professionalism; resolving differences of opinion; sharing information; developing reports; considers and factors in organizational and situational realities (internal and external) when determining how to best advance or achieve organizational objectives; and, proofreading or editing complex or technical writing of others). (limit characters)
4. Select the one answer choice that best describes your highest level of skill in leading change (i.e., managing diverse projects and being responsive to changes in priorities, etc.; demonstrating proactive support and/or involvement in the implementation of new initiatives; and contributing to or developing and maintaining short and long-range strategic plans). (limit characters)
5. Select the one answer choice that best describes your highest level of skill in leading people, leadership skills (i.e. developing and maintaining working relations with diverse groups to accomplish common goals; working with groups with divergent or competing goals or interests to build consensus; fostering teamwork; managing and resolving conflicts; maintaining confidentiality of and safeguarding work-related records; and developing team identity). (limit characters)
6. Select the one answer choice that best describes your highest level of skill in being results driven (i.e., anticipating and identifying potential problem areas; evaluating processes for improvement; promoting customer service; resolving issues; assuring effective controls are developed and maintained; ensuring projects are delivered timely; and monitoring and evaluating organizational work plans, focusing on results and measuring attainment of outcomes). (limit characters)
7. Select the one answer choice that best describes your highest level of skill in business acumen (i.e. developing budget and resource estimates involving furthering an organization's activity; assessing human resource and staff needs; and demonstrating a thorough understanding regarding the effective use of technology applications to enhance and/or monitor business processes and performance). (limit characters)
8. Which statement best describes your highest level of experience developing administrative policies/procedures (e.g., travel, space management) for an organization? (limit characters)
9. Which administrative activities/programs have you managed? Select all that apply. Select all that apply. If "None of the above" is selected, ensure it is the only response chosen? (limit characters)
10. Which statement best describes your highest level of experience with process improvement initiatives to reduce time/cost (e.g., increase business process efficiency)? (limit characters)
11. Which of the following statements describes your experience in tracking and monitoring rates of obligations and expenditures of funds in the annual budget? (limit characters)
12. Which of the following statements describes your experience in ensuring funds are spent in accordance with the purposes for which they were allocated? (limit characters)
13. Which of the following statements describes your experience in advising managers regarding acquisition and agreements in administration policies? (limit characters)
14. Which of the following statements describes your experience in providing guidance, innovative solutions, advising, and information on administrative and financial matters? (limit characters)
15. Which of the following statements describes your experience in setting priorities among multiple projects and executing timely decisions to meet established deadlines? (limit characters)
16. Which of the following statements describes your experience in preparing procurement, contract, and/or interagency agreements to ensure that the requisition is complete, and all supporting documentation is provided? (limit characters)
17. Which of the following statements describes your experience in using databases, spreadsheets, and graphic programs for data analysis, documentation and communications? (limit characters)
18. Which activities have you performed while administering a department/organizations budget?
Select all that apply. If "None of the above" is selected, ensure it is the only response chosen.
(limit characters)
19. Which activities have you performed while evaluating the financial performance of an organization? Select all that apply. If "None of the above" is selected, ensure it is the only response chosen. (limit characters)
20. Which activities have you performed related to procurement? Select all that apply. If "None of the above" is selected, ensure it is the only response chosen. (limit characters)
21. Which statement best describes your highest level of experience in conflict management/resolution? (limit characters)
22. Have you overseen projects involving the design, construction, and modification of existing or new workspaces? (limit characters)
23. I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all of the information included in this questionnaire is true, correct, and provided in good faith. I understand that if I make an intentional false statement, or commit deception or fraud in this application and its supporting materials, or in any document or interview associated with the examination process, I may be fined or imprisoned (18 U.S.C. 1001); my eligibilities may be cancelled, I may be denied an appointment, or I may be removed and debarred from Federal service (5 C.F.R. part 731). I understand that any information I give may be investigated. I understand that responding "No" to this item will result in my not being considered for this position.

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