U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command Logo
Position Title
Supervisory IT Cybersecurity Specialist (APPSW)
U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command
Announcement Number
SDST256047312713 Opens in new window
Open Period
Thursday, January 16, 2025 to Monday, January 27, 2025
For preview purposes only. To apply, please return to the USAJOBS announcement and click the Apply button.
1. Do you claim Veterans’ Preference? (limit characters)
2. 10-Point Other Veterans' Rating

Do you meet one of the following?
  • are a veteran who served on Active duty at any time and have a present service-connected disability or are receiving compensation, disability retirement benefits, or pension from the military or Department of Veterans Affairs but do not qualify for CP or CPS; OR,
  • you received a Purple Heart.
Supporting documentation: You are required to submit acceptable proof of your preference or appointment eligibility. Acceptable documentation is a DD Form 214, "Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty," showing dates of service, as well as character of service (Honorable, General, etc.) and time lost (if any). The member 4 copy of your DD Form 214 is preferable (Note: If you have more than one DD Form 214 for multiple periods of active duty service, you should submit a copy for each period of service.).
(limit characters)
3. 30 Percent or More Disabled Veterans

Are you a veteran who separated from active duty under honorable conditions and you:

• retired from active military service with a service-connected disability rating of 30% or more OR
• have a rating by the Department of Veterans Affairs showing a compensable service-connected disability of 30% or more

Supporting documentation: You are required to submit acceptable documentation of your appointment eligibility, as follows:

• DD Form 214, "Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty," showing dates of service, as well as character of discharge; member 4 copy of the DD Form 214 is preferable (Note: If you have more than one DD Form 214 for multiple periods of active duty service, you should submit a copy for each period of service.); AND
• A copy of a letter from the Department of Veterans Affairs, dated 1991 or later, certifying an OVERALL Service Connected Disability of 30% or more; OR
• DD Form 214, which reflects the character of service of "Retirement-Disability"; OR
• Certification document* which reflects your OVERALL service connected disability of 30% or more.
• The Standard Form-15 (SF-15), an Application for 10-Point Veterans' Preference is optional at the time of application.

The "certification" letter is a written document on an official letterhead of the appropriate military branch in which the veteran served, and contains at a minimum, the service member's: (1) military service dates including the expected discharge or release date; (2) expected character of service (i.e. honorable); (3) rank; and (4) type of discharge. The "certification" must be signed by, or by direction of, the adjutant, military personnel officer, or commander of the service member's unit or higher headquarters. The service member's military service dates are necessary in order to determine whether he or she meets the definition of ''veteran'' under 5 U.S.C. 2108(1) (Federal Register, 2016).

Useful Links

You may request copies of your military personnel records online.
You can obtain a copy of your DD-214 from the National Archives.
Standard Form (SF) 15, Application for 10-Point Veteran Preference
U.S. Office of Personnel Management's Veterans Employment
U.S. Department of Labor's Veterans' Preference Advisor

For more information, review USAJOBS Veterans resources.

Are you a 30% or more Disabled Veteran?
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4. 5-Point Veterans' Preference

Are you a veteran who served on Active duty?
  • During a war; OR
  • During the period April 28, 1952 through July 1, 1955; OR
  • For more than 180 consecutive days, other than for training, any part of which occurred after January 31, 1955, and before October 15, 1976; OR
  • During the Gulf War from August 2, 1990, through January 2, 1992; OR
  • For more than 180 consecutive days, other than for training, any part of which occurred during the period beginning September 11, 2001, and ending on the date prescribed by Presidential proclamation or by law as the last day of Operation Iraqi Freedom; OR
  • In a campaign or expedition for which a campaign medal has been authorized. Any Armed Forces Expeditionary medal or campaign badge, including El Salvador, Lebanon, Grenada, Panama, Southwest Asia, Somalia, and Haiti, qualifies for preference.
NOTE: A campaign medal holder or Gulf War veteran who originally enlisted after September 7, 1980, (or began active duty on or after October 14, 1982, and has not previously completed 24 months of continuous active duty) must have served continuously for 24 months or the full period called or ordered to active duty.

Supporting documentation: 
  • You are required to submit a legible copy/copies of the following: DD Form 214, "Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty," showing all dates of service, as well as character of service (Honorable, General, etc.). The member 4 copy of your DD Form 214 is preferable.
  • Future Military Retirees*: You are required to submit a copy of your retirement DD Form 214 OR certification document** OR a copy of your approved retirement letter AND a copy of your terminal leave request (if applicable). You will be required to provide your DD Form 214 upon issuance. OR Future Military Separatees*: You are required to submit:
  • Your most recent DD Form 214 OR
  • Certification document** OR
  • Your most recent active duty orders AND a copy of your terminal leave request (if applicable).
  • You will be required to provide your DD Form 214 upon issuance.*Active duty military members who are selected may not be appointed unless on terminal leave or already separated from the armed forces.
The "certification" letter is a written document on an official letterhead of the appropriate military branch in which the veteran served, and contains at a minimum, the service member's: (1) military service dates including the expected discharge or release date; (2) expected character of service (i.e. honorable); (3) rank; and (4) type of discharge. The "certification" must be signed by, or by direction of, the adjutant, military personnel officer, or commander of the service member's unit or higher headquarters. The service member's military service dates are necessary in order to determine whether he or she meets the definition of ''veteran'' under 5 U.S.C. 2108(1) (Federal Register, 2016).
(limit characters)
5. Current Army Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS) Employee

Do you meet the following?
  • current Department of the Army DCIPS employee; and
  • occupy a permanent position without time limitation.
Supporting documentation:  You are required to submit acceptable proof of your appointment eligibility by submitting a copy of your most recent non-award SF-50, Notice of Personnel Action that reflects "1" or "2" in block 24 (Tenure), "2" in block 34 (Position Occupied), and, if applicable, your highest grade held on a permanent basis along with your application/resume package.

To obtain a copy of SF-50s from employment with the Department of Defense, go to My Biz.
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6. Current Department of Army Civilian Employees

Department of the Army regulations include several employment categories in the definition of 'Current Department of Army Civilian Employees'. You are eligible in this category if you fall into one of the following:

•  CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES SERVING ON A PERMANENT APPOINTMENT. You must submit a copy of your most recent SF-50, Notification of Personnel Action. Block 24 of your SF-50 must be a "1" or "2" AND block 34 must be a"1." Army employees can access their SF-50 at: MyBiz.

•  CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES SERVING ON AN EXCEPTED SERVICE VETERANS RECRUITMENT APPOINTMENT (VRA).  If you are eligible in this category, you are required to submit an SF-50 showing current Army Excepted Service VRA appointment (block 24 must be a "1" or "2" AND block 34 must be a"2.").

•  CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES SERVING ON AN EXCEPTED SERVICE APPOINTMENT WITH THE DEFENSE CIVILIAN INTELLIGENCE PERSONNEL SYSTEM (DCIPS). This category includes those who have personal career or career-conditional status earned with prior employment in the Competitive Service and/or those eligible under the DCIPS interchange agreement. If you are eligible in either of these categories, you may be required to submit two SF-50s: (1) an SF-50 showing current Army DCIPS employment (block 24 of your SF-50 must be a "1" or "2" AND block 34 must be a"2"), and, if applicable, (2) an SF-50 showing career/ career-conditional employment in the Competitive Service (block 24 of your SF-50 must be a "1" or "2" AND block 34 must be a"1").

•  CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES SERVING ON AN EXCEPTED SERVICE APPOINTMENT WITH THE CYBER EXCEPTED SERVICE. This category ONLY includes those who have personal career or career-conditional status earned with prior employment in the Competitive Service. If you are eligible in this category, you are required to submit two SF-50s: (1) an SF-50 showing current Army CES employment (block 24 of your SF-50 must be a "1" or "2" AND block 34 must be a"2"), and (2) an SF-50 showing career/ career-conditional employment in the Competitive Service (block 24 of your SF-50 must be a "1" or "2" AND block 34 must be a"1").

•  CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES SERVING ON A TEMPORARY OR TERM APPOINTMENT. This category ONLY includes those who have personal career or career-conditional status, earned with prior employment in the Competitive Service. If you are eligible in this category, you are required to submit two SF-50s: (1) an SF-50 showing current Army employment, and (2) an SF-50 showing career/career-conditional employment in the Competitive Service (block 24 of your SF-50 must be a "1" or "2" AND block 34 must be a"1").

•  CURRENT FLEXIBLE LENGTH AND RENEWABLE TERM (FLRT) TECHNICAL APPOINTMENT EMPLOYEES. If you are eligible in this category, you are required to submit an SF-50 showing a current Army Flexible Length Renewable Term Technical appointment with a remark indicating that you are eligible for consideration as a status candidate (block 45 must contain a remark on eligibility as a status candidate under section 1109(b)(1)(B) of the NDAA for FY 2016).

Supporting documentation: You are required to submit the documents which prove you are a current Department of the Army employee in one of the categories described above. To obtain a copy of SF-50s from employment with the Department of Defense, go to My Biz at https://compo.dcpds.cpms.osd.mil/.

Note: The "current Army employee" category does not include permanent Army National Guard employees in the competitive service.

Are you eligible to apply as a Current Department of Army Civilian Employee?
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7. Current Department of Defense Employees (Non-Army)

You are eligible in this category if you currently work on a permanent* competitive service civilian appointment in any of the following Department of Defense (DOD) agencies:

•  U.S. Navy
•  U.S. Marine Corps
•  Department of the Air Force
•  Other Department of Defense Agency (e.g., WHS, DLA, DFAS, DISA, DODEA, Defense Commissary, etc.)

Supporting documentation: You are required to submit acceptable documentation of your appointment eligibility, by submitting a copy of your last or most recent SF-50, Notification of Personnel Action, (block 24 must be a "1" or "2" AND block 34 must be a"1"). To obtain a copy of SF-50s from employment with the Department of Defense, go to My Biz at https://compo.dcpds.cpms.osd.mil/.

*If you are currently working on a temporary or term appointment, or you are serving on active duty in the U.S. military service in any of the above agencies, you are NOT eligible for this hiring category unless you are serving on a Flexible Length Renewable Term (FLRT) Technical appointment with a remark indicating that you are eligible for consideration as a status candidate (block 45 must contain a remark on eligibility as a status candidate under section 1109(b)(1)(B) of the NDAA for FY 2016).

If you are currently working for a private sector company performing work related to a contract with a federal agency, you are NOT eligible for this hiring category

Are eligible to apply as a Current Department of Defense Employee (Non-Army)?
(limit characters)
8. Current Department of Defense (DoD) Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS) Employee (non-Army)

Do you meet the following?

• current Department of Defense (i.e., Air Force, Navy, Marines, DLA, DFAS, DIA, or DoDEA) DCIPS employee; and

• former permanent federal employee who has reappointment eligibility.

Supporting documentation: You are required to submit acceptable proof of your appointment eligibility, by submitting a copy of your most recent SF-50, Notification of Personnel Action, block 24 must be a "1" or "2" AND block 34 must be a "2."
To obtain a copy of SF-50s from employment with the Department of Defense, go to My Biz.
(limit characters)
9. Civilian Employees Seeking Employment through the Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS) Interchange Agreement
This category includes individuals:
•  who are current DCIPS employees in pay plan GG who have served continuously for at least one year under a permanent excepted service appointment in any of the Department of Defense (DoD) Components listed in the Interchange Agreement (or have been involuntarily separated from such appointment without personal cause within the preceding year) and are applying for a competitive service General Schedule (GS) position in and among the applicable DoD Components; OR
•  who are current employees in General Schedule (GS) competitive services positions under career or career-conditional appointments in any of the DoD Components listed in the Interchange Agreement, have completed the probationary period required in connection with such an appointment, and are applying to DCIPS positions in and among the applicable DoD Components.
Supporting documentation: If you are eligible in this category, you are required to submit an SF-50 showing current DCIPS employment (block 24 of your SF-50 must be a "1" or "2" AND block 34 must be a"2") or an SF-50 showing current GS competitive service employment (block 24 of your SF-50 must be a "1" or "2" AND block 34 must be a"1").
Are you eligible under the DCIPS Interchange Agreement?
(limit characters)
10. Disabled Veteran w/ a Service-Connected Disability, More than 10%, Less than 30%

Do you meet one of the following?  

• are a veteran who served on Active duty at any time and have a present service-connected disability of at least 10 percent but less than 30 percent; AND,

• your discharge was under conditions other than dishonorable.

Supporting documentation: You are required to submit acceptable documentation of your appointment eligibility, by submitting:

• DD Form 214, "Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty," showing dates of service, as well as character of discharge; member 4 copy of the DD Form 214 is preferable (Note: If you have more than one DD Form 214 for multiple periods of active duty service, you should submit a copy for each period of service.); AND

• A copy of a letter from the Department of Veterans Affairs, dated 1991 or later, certifying an OVERALL Service Connected Disability of at least 10% but less than 30%; OR

• Certification document* which reflects your OVERALL service connected disability of at least 10% but less than 30%

Note*** The "certification" letter is a written document on an official letterhead of the appropriate military branch in which the veteran served, and contains at a minimum, the service member's: (1) military service dates including the expected discharge or release date; (2) expected character of service (i.e. honorable); (3) rank; and (4) type of discharge. The "certification" must be signed by, or by direction of, the adjutant, military personnel officer, or commander of the service member's unit or higher headquarters. The service member's military service dates are necessary in order to determine whether he or she meets the definition of ''veteran'' under 5 U.S.C. 2108(1) (Federal Register, 2016).

You may request copies of your military personnel records online at http://www.archives.gov/veterans/military-service-records.
To obtain a copy of your DD-214 from the National Archives go to http://www.archives.gov/veterans/military-service-records.

Additional Veterans' preference information
U.S. Office of Personnel Management's Government-wide Veterans Employment Website: http://www.fedshirevets.gov
U.S. Department of Labor: http://www.dol.gov/elaws/vets/vetpref/choice.htm
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11. Non-Department of Defense (DoD) Transfer

This category includes competitive service, career or career-conditional employees of federal agencies other than the Department of Defense (e.g., Dept of Labor, VA). 

Supporting documentation: You are required to submit acceptable documentation of your appointment eligibility, by submitting a copy of your last or most recent SF-50, Notification of Personnel Action, (block 24 must be a "1" or "2" AND block 34 must be a"1").

*If you are currently working on a temporary or term appointment, or are serving on active duty in the U.S. military service, you are NOT eligible for this hiring category.
*If you are currently working for a private sector company performing work related to a contract with a federal agency, you are NOT eligible for this hiring category.

Are you applying to transfer from a federal agency other than the DoD?
(limit characters)
12. Prior Federal Service Employee

Do you meet the following?
  • former Federal service employee who attained permanent status (block 24 of SF-50 indicates either 1-Permanent or 2-Conditional); and
  • successfully completed either a Probationary or Trial Period; and
  • was not removed from Federal service for cause.
Supporting Documentation: You are required to submit acceptable proof of your appointment eligibility by submitting a copy of the SF-50, Notice of Personnel Action, you received upon separation from Federal employment that reflects "1" or "2" in block 24 (Tenure) along with your application/resume package.
(limit characters)
13. Priority Placement Program, DoD Military Reserve (MR) and National Guard (NG) Technician Eligible

I am an MR or NG Reserve Technician who will lose or has lost my military membership through no fault of my own after completing at least 15 years of technician service and a minimum of 20 years of service creditable for non-regular retirement.  I am exercising my preferen­ce eligibility to DoD positions within my local commuting area in accordance with Section 3329(b) of Title 5, U.S.C.  This preference eligibility is valid for 1 year after separation. 

NOTE: By using this eligibility, you certify that you have not obtained permanent Federal employment, nor have you accepted or declined a PPP job offer.

Supporting Documentation: If you indicate "yes" to this question, you must submit a copy of the Military Reserve and National Guard Technician PPP Self-Certification Checklist and copies of the appropriate documentation, such as the notification letter you received showing you are no longer eligible for military or NG membership (through no fault of your own) and that you have completed at least 15 years of technician service and a minimum of 20 years of service creditable for non-regular retirement. 

Are you a Priority Placement Program (PPP) DoD Military Reserve (MR) and National Guard (NG) Technician Eligible?

(limit characters)
14. Priority Placement Program, DoD Military Reserve (MR) and National Guard (NG) Preference Eligible Technician Receiving Disability Retirement

I am an MR or NG Technician who will be or has been involuntarily medically retired due to a service-connected medical disability that disqualifies me from military membership or from holding my required military grade, and have applied for or am receiving a disability retirement annuity.  I am exercising my preference eligibility to DoD positions within my local commuting area.  I understand that the position for which I am applying must be at the same grade or equivalent level, tenure, and work schedule as the position held currently or upon separation. 

NOTE: By using this eligibility, you certify that you have not obtained permanent Federal employment, nor have you accepted or declined a PPP job offer.

Supporting Documentation: If you indicate "yes" to this question, you must submit a copy of the Military Reserve and National Guard Technician Disability PPP Self-Certification Checklist and copies of the appropriate documentation, such as the notification letter you received that states you are no longer eligible for Reserve membership due to a service-connected disability. 

Are you a Priority Placement Program, DoD Military Reserve (MR) and National Guard (NG) Preference Eligible Technician Receiving Disability Retirement?

(limit characters)
15. Priority Placement Program, DoD Retained Grade Preference Eligible

I am currently on retained grade based on receiving a written RIF notification letter of a change to lower grade, or a notification letter of a classification downgrade dated within the last 2 years.  I am exercising my preference eligibility to DoD positions within my local commuting area. 

NOTE:  By using this eligibility, you certify that you have not accepted permanent Federal employment at your retained grade, nor have you accepted or declined a PPP job offer.

Supporting Documentation:  If you indicate "yes" for this statement, you must submit a copy of the Retained Grade PPP Self-Certification Checklist and copies of the appropriate documentation, such as a RIF change-to-lower-grade notice, and an SF-50 reflecting your RIF change to lower grade. 

Are you a Priority Placement Program, DoD Retained Grade Preference Eligible?
(limit characters)
16. United States Citizen Applying to a Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS) Position

Do you meet the following?

I do not meet any of the other eligibility options; however, I am a United States Citizen and wish to apply for this DCIPS position.
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Conditions of Employment
This position has requirements which must be met prior to employment and conditions for continued employment. Your answers to the questions in this section will indicate your understanding of, and acceptance of, these requirements and conditions. (limit characters)
1. This is a Title 10 Excepted Service position covered by the Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS). Appointment to this position does not confer competitive status. Prior to appointment applicants are required to sign a statement indicating they understand the conditions of employment or assignment to the position and acknowledge the consequences of failing to meet and maintain those required conditions. Are you willing to sign a Statement of Understanding and agree to the requirements of a DCIPS position? (limit characters)
2. Appointment to this position is subject to a two year trial period unless the appointee has previously met the requirements as described in DoDI 1400.25 V2005. While serving a trial period the incumbent can be terminated with limited appeal rights. Are you willing to serve a two year trial period? (limit characters)
Assessment 1
Thank you for your interest in a Supervisory IT Cybersecurity Specialist (APPSW), GG-2210-14, position with the Department of the Army. We will evaluate your resume and your responses to this occupational questionnaire to determine if you are among the best qualified for this position. Your responses are subject to verification. Please review your responses for accuracy before you submit your application. (limit characters)
1. Select the one statement that best describes the experience that you possess that demonstrates your ability to perform the work of a Supervisory IT Cybersecurity Specialist (APPSW) at the GG-14 grade level or equivalent pay band in the Federal Service. (limit characters)
For each item, select the one response that most accurately describes your current level of experience and capability using the scale below. (limit characters)
2. Directs development of complex projects which have the potential for broad impact throughout Army Cyber. (limit characters)
3. Leads and executes crucial software and digital initiatives designed to deliver effective, innovative solutions to highly complex problems. (limit characters)
4. Demonstrates expert knowledge of and deep experience with all aspects of software development, including design and architecture. (limit characters)
5. Reviews management practices and technology systems across industry and government and identifies improvements for effectiveness and efficiency. (limit characters)
6. Supports planning, organizing, and tasking projects assigned to Cyber Solutions Developers. (limit characters)
7. Plans, coordinates, and executes the development of multiple projects simultaneously or leads projects that have broad impact on CSD's portfolio and suite of capabilities. (limit characters)
8. Guides design decisions, manages implementation trade-offs, provides detailed documentation of architecture decisions and reasoning, and assists in developing software solutions tailored to unique mission requirements with an emphasis on rapid, continuous delivery. (limit characters)
9. Demonstrates ability to drive complex, government wide technology and technology policy initiatives from conception through implementation. (limit characters)
10. Applies knowledge of Army, Joint and National Cyberspace missions and priorities to advise on policies and strategies related to the acquisition and development of offensive cyber capabilities. (limit characters)
11. Identifies developmental and training needs, both internal and external to the organization, before then providing or arranging for needed development and training. (limit characters)
12. Works across multiple teams to deconflict competing resources and ensure best practices are captured and communicated throughout the organization. (limit characters)
13. Provides professional and policy direction to lower graded employees performing related work. (limit characters)
14. Your responses to the Announcement and Assessment Questionnaires, along with your resume and all supporting documentation are subject to evaluation and verification to ensure accuracy. Please take this opportunity to review your responses to ensure their accuracy. (limit characters)