Army National Guard Units Logo
Position Title
Army National Guard Units
Announcement Number
VI-12673796-AR-25-001 Opens in new window
Open Period
Friday, January 31, 2025 to Friday, February 28, 2025
For preview purposes only. To apply, please return to the USAJOBS announcement and click the Apply button.
1. Are you a current National Guard member within the state for which this position is being advertised? (limit characters)
Aera of Consideration
Please select the response that best describes your status (limit characters)
1. What is your status? (limit characters)
2. What is your Pay Grade? (limit characters)
Assessment 1
Respond to all questions. For each, choose the response that best describes your experience and/or training. Please note that your answers will be verified against the information you provide in your resume and/or application. (limit characters)
Select “Yes” or “No” to the following question(s). (limit characters)
1. I have experience, education or training involving administrative or clerical experience (i.e., applying guidelines, rules and regulations to assignments, composing correspondence, researching and compiling information and data, and records administration. I have experience using computer and automation systems. (limit characters)
2. I have at least 12 months experience, education or training evaluating and determining regulatory compliance. I have experience using guidelines, methods, precedents and techniques applicable to the specific programs or phases relative to the position. I have experience conducting studies, preparing reports, and making changes to eliminate ineffective operations. (limit characters)
Select the one statement that most accurately describes your training and experience carrying out each task using the scale provided. (limit characters)
3. Provides assistance and support to mobilization, readiness and force integration. Recommends actions to streamline new equipment fielding and training; provides data concerning readiness issues. (limit characters)
4. Develops recommendations to enhance mobilization capabilities and readiness of units not attaining required objectives. Ensures resource considerations and applications follow priorities established by the Department of the Army Master Priority List (DAMPL). (limit characters)
5. Assists in monitoring the readiness posture of the force. Monitors documentation and modernization changes and identifies their effect on unit readiness conditions. (limit characters)
6. Maintains close liaison with the continental US (CONUS) Army, NGB and Readiness groups to coordinate information and to obtain equipment and materials. (limit characters)
7. Ability to input and extract USR readiness data Practical knowledge of the purposes, methods, and techniques of program analysis and the structure, functions and mission of the Plans, Operations, and Training function to analyze readiness and mobilization reports; coordinate with personnel, training, logistics and other staff offices to identify inhibitors to readiness and mobilization requirements; and recommend enhancements to readiness and mobilization posture. (limit characters)
8. Assists other staff employees in matters concerning organizational structure and development. Reviews force structure documents, proposals and related actions for accuracy. Coordinates routine force structure changes with subordinate headquarters, units and STARC staff. (limit characters)
9. Reviews current and historical data to identify readiness inhibitors and recommend corrective actions and specific measures to reduce or eliminate such factors. Ensures SORTS reports are processed in a timely manner and forwarded to NGB via secure systems. (limit characters)
10. Coordinates with personnel, training, logistics and other staff officers on mobilization and readiness reporting matters. Collects, reviews, and expedites readiness related documents. (limit characters)
Select “Yes” or “No” to the following question(s). (limit characters)
11. I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief all of the information on this form is correct. I also understand that failure to report completely and accurately may result in loss of consideration. (limit characters)