Customs and Border Protection Logo
Position Title
Border Patrol Agent (20K to 30K BPA Recruitment Incentive)
Customs and Border Protection
Announcement Number
BPA GL9/11 25-6 Opens in new window
Open Period
Saturday, March 1, 2025 to Monday, March 31, 2025
For preview purposes only. To apply, please return to the USAJOBS announcement and click the Apply button.
This is a Federal law enforcement officer position. Provisions of Public Laws 93-350 and 100-238 allow the imposition of a maximum age for initial appointment to a Border Patrol Agent position. In accordance with Department of Homeland Security Management Directive 251-03, the "day before an individual's 40th birthday" is the maximum age for original appointment to a position as a law enforcement officer within DHS.

This age restriction may not apply if you are currently serving in a federal civilian (not military) law enforcement position covered by Title 5 U.S.C. 8336(c) or Title 5 U.S.C. 8412(d). Creditable service covered by Public Law 110-161 (as a Customs and Border Protection Officer) on or after July 6, 2008, may be applied toward the maximum age requirement.

Veterans' Preference Eligibility: To ensure compliance with statutes pertaining to the appointment of preference eligible Veterans as determined by the Merit Systems Protection Board in its decision of Isabella v. Dept. of State, the maximum age for original appointment articulated above shall not apply to the hiring of individuals entitled to Veterans' Preference eligibility under 5 U.S.C. § 3312.
(limit characters)
1. This position has an age requirement. Enter or select your date of birth. (limit characters)
2. Enter the number of MONTHS of Federal service experience you have attained as a firefighter, law enforcement or air traffic controller. (limit characters)
3. If you are claiming an age waiver based on Federal law enforcement service you must submit copies of your SF-50s (Notice of Personnel Actions) reflecting the beginning date and end date of creditable Federal civilian (not military) service under Title 5 U.S.C. 8331(20) and Title 5 U.S.C. 8401(17). Block 30 of your SF-50 should show Retirement Code M or O. If you do not meet the age requirement and you are unable to provide this required documentation, you will not receive consideration under this announcement.

If you are claiming an age waiver based on Veterans' Preference, submit the required Veterans' Preference documents. Military law enforcement and Transportation Security Officers (TSO) working for the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) are not considered law enforcement covered positions for the purpose of this announcement.

Have you ever worked for the Federal government in a civilian law enforcement position where you were under law enforcement retirement coverage?
(limit characters)
4. Do you claim Veterans’ Preference? (limit characters)
5. Are you a current federal employee who has received notice that you will be displaced from the Department of Homeland Security? If yes, confirm:
  • You occupy a position located in the same local commuting area of the vacancy; AND
  • You are applying to a position that is at or below the grade level of the position from which you were or will be separated; AND
  • You are applying to a position that does not have greater promotion potential than the position from which you will be separated; AND
  • Your last performance rating of record is at least fully successful or the equivalent.
To verify your eligibility, you must submit supporting documentation to validate your claim of CTAP eligibility, such as:
  • Reduction in Force (RIF) separation notice or a Proposed Removal/Separation notice, AND
  • Copy of your latest Notification of Personnel Action, Standard Form 50.
(limit characters)
6. Are you a current or former federal employee displaced from a position in a federal agency? If yes, confirm:
  • You occupy (or have been separated from) a position located in the same local commuting area of the vacancy; AND
  • You are applying to a position that is at or below the grade level of the position from which you were or will be separated; AND
  • Your last performance rating of record is at least fully successful or the equivalent
To verify your eligibility, you must submit supporting documentation to validate your claim of ICTAP eligibility, such as:
  • Reduction in Force (RIF) separation notice or a Proposed Removal/Separation notice, AND
  • Copy of your latest Notification of Personnel Action, Standard Form 50.
(limit characters)
1. Please select a preferred location below. These locations are expected to have vacancies at the time of your final offer. If these locations do not have vacancies at the time of your final offer, you may be offered another geographic location within the United States. Final locations are offered based on operational needs and are determined by the U.S. Border Patrol. Due to mission needs, final locations cannot be determined until after you successfully complete pre-employment.

Select your preferred duty location from the list below.
(limit characters)
2. Applicants who receive a tentative offer of employment must successfully complete a polygraph examination. Provided below is a list of locations where polygraph examinations are offered. Please select the location where you prefer to complete your polygraph examination. CBP will do its best to schedule you at your preferred location. However, you may be required to travel to attend the polygraph. CBP will not reimburse you for travel to or from the polygraph site. You will be contacted by the Office of Professional Responsibility to schedule the required polygraph examination. (limit characters)
3. Applicants are highly encouraged to "Opt-in" for text message reminders!
For applicants who receive a tentative selection offer from Customs and Border Protection, the CBP Hiring Center is offering text messaging reminders. This service will provide you with helpful reminders of scheduled appointments as you move through the pre-employment process. All automated messages are programmed to remind applicants of upcoming appointments (i.e., medical appointment, fitness test reminder, etc.) approximately 3-days out from the appointment dates. Text messaging will not replace any form of official communication, but is intended solely as an added service to reinforce communication.

You may choose to "Opt-in" for this customer service option. Based on conditions set by your mobile carrier, standard text messaging rates may apply which will not be reimbursed by U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Please check with your carrier to address any potential costs to you to ensure receiving text messaging is an option available to you based on the terms of your service contract. Some carriers may also block incoming "fee generating" text messages or messages from outlying sources and some messages may appear truncated based on limitations imposed by your carrier. Current system constraints with some carriers may not support text messaging service. If you choose to opt-in at this time, you may elect to discontinue this service later by contacting the CBP Hiring Center.

Please select your carrier below. If you do not wish to "Opt In" for text messaging reminders, please choose the last option.
(limit characters)
4. If you opted in for text messaging reminders, please add you cell phone number below in this format: xxx-xxx-xxxx

If you did not opt in for text messaging reminders, please enter N/A below.
(limit characters)
5. How did you first hear about this position? (limit characters)
6. Did you participate in a CBP student or internship program? (limit characters)
Assessment 1
QUALIFICATIONS: The following questions, along with your submitted resume and other supporting documentation, will be used to determine if you meet the minimum qualifications for the position and grade levels. More information and a description of the minimum qualification requirements can be found in the vacancy announcement. When answering the following questions regarding your experience, you must have gained the work experience by the closing date of this announcement. (limit characters)
1. Which of the following statements best describes your experience to qualify for the GL-09 grade level? (limit characters)
2. Which of the following statements best describes your experience to qualify for the GS-11 grade level? (limit characters)
3. Are you a current or former Federal employee? (limit characters)
4. What is your current position title and grade? Enter "n/a" if you are not current federal employee. (limit characters)
5. Have you been at your current grade for 52 weeks or more? (limit characters)
6. Qualifications based on work experience will be determined by what is listed on your resume. Work experience refers to both paid and unpaid experience, such as volunteer work. 

Your resume must:
  • Be in English
  • Include full legal name 
  • Address 
  • Phone number
  • Complete work history (which includes job titles) 
  • Detailed description of your duties (including tasks performed)
  • The dates you performed those duties (MM/DD/YY - MM/DD/YY)
  • Hours worked per week for any position you worked that was not full time (less than 35 hours per week)
  • Current or former Federal employees must include your salary, pay scale and pay grade information for that work experience to be considered

Do you agree to provide a resume that contains the necessary requirements listed in the instructions above?
(limit characters)
7. Indicate the extent of your experience conducting vehicle/vessel stops. (limit characters)
8. Indicate the extent of your experience conducting law enforcement interviews of suspects or witnesses. (limit characters)
9. Select the choice which best describes your ability to use automated systems related to law enforcement operations. (limit characters)
Select the one statement that most accurately describes your training and experience carrying out each task using the scale provided. (limit characters)
10. Indicate the extent of your experience conducting law enforcement authorities in a patrol environment. (limit characters)
11. Indicate the extent of your experience in effecting lawful arrests. (limit characters)
12. Indicate the extent of your experience in developing law enforcement related casework. (limit characters)
13. Select the response that best describes your experience applying personal search laws, policies, and procedures. (limit characters)
14. Select the response that best describes your experience physically restraining noncompliant individuals during the course of your duties (e.g., military, law enforcement, correctional officers, security). (limit characters)
15. Choose the option that best describes your experience assessing situations and applying the appropriate level of force required. (limit characters)
16. Indicate the extent of your experience handling sensitive information (e.g., law enforcement sensitive information, operationally sensitive information, intelligence information, employee information). (limit characters)
17. Indicate the extent of your experience in handling stressful situations. (limit characters)
18. Indicate the extent of your experience administering first aid to individuals who have been injured or are in physiological distress. (limit characters)
19. Select the choice which best describes your ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with the public. (limit characters)
Select the one statement that most accurately describes your training and experience carrying out each task using the scale provided. (limit characters)
20. Select the choice which best describes your ability and skill in handling various weapons (e.g., firearms and non-lethal). (limit characters)
Assessment 2
1. Are you a current Customs and Border Protection (CBP) employee?
(limit characters)
2. Are you a current CBP Law Enforcement Officer (i.e., BPA, CBPO, AIA, MIA)? (limit characters)
3. If you are a current CBP employee seeking reassignment to another duty location or law enforcement officer (LEO) position, we encourage you to request a lateral reassignment or apply to an internal merit promotion announcement rather than applying to this announcement.

Note: Applying to and accepting a job offer under this announcement will require you to accept the grade level stated in the announcement, which might require a change to lower grade action. If you are a current GS-12 step 1 your salary may be reduced to a GL-9 step 10. Re-promotion is not guaranteed. Timeframes and grade level re-promotion are at the discretion of the agency and may be subject to a probationary period. If you are currently receiving a retirement annuity from OPM based on retiring from the Federal government and you are selected for this position, please note that your Federal salary will be off-set by the amount of your retirement annuity.

Do you wish to continue with the entry level process?
(limit characters)
SUITABILITY:  Applicants who apply for a law enforcement position with CBP are required to undergo a background investigation and polygraph examination as required by the Anti-Border Corruption Act of 2010. CBP conducts a "whole person" analysis in order to determine whether an applicant is suitable. Your responses to the following questions along with the background investigation and polygraph examination will determine your suitability. (limit characters)
4. Are you willing to undergo a polygraph examination for this position?
(limit characters)
5. Have you taken and FAILED a CBP polygraph examination within the last two years? (limit characters)
6. Are you willing to undergo a background investigation for this position?
(limit characters)
7. CBP is committed to a drug-free workplace. This position requires drug testing as part of the pre-employment process and also requires random drug testing after you enter on duty. Note: Several states now allow recreational and medicinal use of marijuana. However, CBP does not permit the use of marijuana as it is still an illegal drug per federal law.

By submitting this application, I acknowledge and understand that I have to successfully pass a drug test during the pre-employment process and that the Agency will remove me from consideration if I do not successfully pass the drug test.  Additionally should I enter on duty as an employee I will be required to participate in random drug testing in accordance with the Agency's drug-free workplace policy.
(limit characters)
8. Have you used (including injecting, snorting, inhaling, swallowing, etc.), experimented with, received, purchased, transferred, or distributed marijuana/THC, anabolic steroids, prescription drugs, or inhalants?  Drug usage information will be taken into consideration during the background investigation. (limit characters)
9. Excluding above - Have you used (including injecting, snorting, inhaling, swallowing, etc.), experimented with, received, purchased, transferred, or distributed Schedule I-V controlled substance? Examples of controlled substances include cocaine or crack cocaine (e.g., rock, freebase, etc.), hallucinogenics (e.g., LSD, PCP, mushrooms, peyote, mescaline, etc.), ketamine (e.g., special K, jet, etc.), narcotics (e.g., opium, heroin, etc.),  or stimulants (e.g., speed, crystal meth, ecstasy, etc.).  Drug usage information will be taken into consideration during the background investigation. (limit characters)
FIREARM REQUIREMENT: This position requires that the incumbent meet initial and continuing qualifications in the use of firearms as outlined in the Gun Control Act of 1968, amended by the Lautenberg Amendment of 1996. An applicant whose background includes any of the following will be ineligible for consideration: 1) convicted of a crime punishable by imprisonment exceeding one year; 2) has any outstanding warrants or is a fugitive from justice; 3) unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance; 4) adjudicated as a mental defective or has been committed to a mental institution; 5) illegally or unlawfully in the United States; 6) renounced U. S. citizenship; 7) subject to a court-ordered restraining (protection) order from harassing, stalking, or threatening an intimate partner (spouse, former spouse, parent of applicant's child, individual who cohabitates or has cohabitated with the applicant), or child; or 8) convicted under Federal, State, or Tribal Court of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence against an intimate partner or child. (limit characters)
10. Conviction under Federal, State, or Tribal Court of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence against an intimate partner or child is disqualifying. An intimate partner means, with respect to a person, the spouse of the person, a former spouse of the person, an individual who is a parent of a child of the person, an individual who cohabitates or has cohabited with the person. Have you ever been convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence against an intimate partner or a child? (limit characters)
11. Are you the subject of any Federal, State, or Tribal court-ordered restraining (protection) order? (limit characters)
12. Are you the subject of any Federal, State, or Tribal court-ordered restraining (protection) order for domestic abuse, including harassing, stalking, or threatening an intimate partner or a child? (limit characters)
13. Have you ever been convicted of a felony or crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year?
(limit characters)
14. Have you ever lost your right to possess a firearm for any reason under Federal law?
(limit characters)
15. Prior to your 18th birthday did you enter the U.S. illegally and subsequently initiate action to obtain legal status within 24 months after reaching age 18?
(limit characters)
16. After the age of 18, did you ever enter the U.S. illegally, use fraudulent or counterfeit documents to enter the U.S., or intentionally overstay an authorized period of admission to reside, work or attend school in the U.S. without legal immigration status?
(limit characters)
17. Have you ever been removed or deported from the U.S. after the age of 18?
(limit characters)
18. Are you currently married to or living with any person(s) illegally residing in the U.S.?
(limit characters)
19. Did you knowingly marry an alien for the sole purpose of that individual obtaining legal immigration status? (limit characters)
20. Did you knowingly marry a U.S. citizen for the sole purpose of obtaining legal immigration status?
(limit characters)
21. Have you ever intentionally harbored, concealed, transported or employed an alien(s)? (limit characters)
22. Have you ever kidnapped or imprisoned an individual against his or her will?
(limit characters)
23. Have you ever been convicted of any crime involving identity theft or the fraudulent use of a credit card including buying, selling, manufacturing, stealing or fraudulently using credit cards to obtain something of value?
(limit characters)
24. Have you engaged in sexual abuse in a prison, jail, holding facility, community confinement facility, juvenile facility, or other institution as defined by 42 U.S.C. 1997?
(limit characters)
25. Have you been convicted of engaging or attempting to engage in sexual activity facilitated by force, overt or implied threats of force, or coercion, or where the victim did not consent or was unable to consent or refuse, or have you been civilly or administratively adjudicated to have engaged in such activity?
(limit characters)
26. Are you a current law enforcement officer who is currently under investigation for a use-of-force incident? (limit characters)
27. Have you ever been terminated from a law enforcement position because you were found liable and/or guilty in a use-of-force incident? (limit characters)
28. Have you ever deliberately viewed, downloaded, purchased, possessed, sold, or distributed child pornography after the age of 18 (defined as obscene images of a child or children under the age of 18)? (limit characters)
Assessment 3
CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT:  The following questions are regarding CBP's conditions of employment such as appearance and health; examinations, investigations, and tests; fitness and the academy. We expect our employees to uphold these conditions throughout their tenure with CBP. (limit characters)
1. The Border Patrol Agent position requires the successful completion of the following pre-employment requirements:
  • Polygraph examination
  • Background investigation
  • Pre-Screening interview
  • Fitness test
  • Medical examination
  • Structured interview
  • Drug test

Are you willing to complete the above pre-employment requirements?
(limit characters)
2. The Border Patrol Agent position has medical qualification standards to ensure those tasked with the position's responsibilities are medically, physically and mentally capable of performing the essential tasks and job functions in an efficient and safe manner without endangering the health and safety of co-workers, the public, or oneself as this is a weapons-carrying position.

CBP will schedule, provide, and pay for the required basic medical examination. If medical information is recommended beyond the pre-placement examination, it is provided at the candidate's expense.

I understand that if I receive a tentative selection, I may be required to meet the medical requirements and if travel is necessary to complete the medical screening or medical follow-up is required, I may incur additional expenses.
(limit characters)
3. Due to the strenuous nature of the Border Patrol Agent duties and the associated training programs, fitness tests have been developed and may be used to screen candidates for entry level positions. Candidates may be required to pass the pre-employment fitness test.

I understand that if I receive a tentative selection, I will be required to meet the physical fitness requirements and if travel is necessary to complete the fitness screening, I may incur additional expenses.
(limit characters)
4. All CBP applicants are required to successfully complete a background investigation. You may be given an opportunity to start your career with CBP earlier, if you elect to enter on duty (EOD) with a provisional clear. A provisional clear is based on the successful completion of certain pre-employment investigation checks. The decision to enter on duty with a provisional clear, if made available, is your decision to make. Should you choose not to enter on duty in a provisional clear status, your application and eligibility for this position will not be negatively affected; however, your EOD date may be delayed. If you EOD with a provisional clear and your full background investigation is not successfully completed, you will be removed from the position with CBP.

If offered a position, do you elect to enter on duty (EOD) under a provisional clear status?
(limit characters)
5. Will you comply with the following job requirements and/or conditions?
  • Encounter people experiencing extreme poverty and personal hardships, such as separation from family; witness drownings, vehicle accidents and other tragedies; and occasionally be exposed to people who carry infectious diseases
  • Work alone in remote areas throughout the night or at times when there is limited communication and high risk of danger
  • Be assigned on occasion to work on very short notice on a temporary basis, but for an extended period time, away from your permanent duty station
  • Attend and successfully complete a rigorous 25-week training program in a location away from your current residence that includes certain physical training requirements, as well as a required proficiency in the use of designated firearms, Spanish, and training in the technical and legal aspects of the job
  • Become proficient in speaking and reading the Spanish language
  • May potentially be assigned to small, remote locations or areas
  • Submit to random drug testing after employment
  • Certify that you will have a valid driver's license at the time of your appointment as a Border Patrol Agent and that you are not prohibited from obtaining a valid driver's license in the United States
  • Be required to serve a probationary period or trial period in accordance with the Department of Homeland Security policy and the Office of Personnel Management regulations. Refer to the job announcement for more information.
  • Qualify and maintain proficiency in the use of firearms
  • Be exposed to all kinds of weather and environmental conditions, such as contact with potentially harmful substances (hazardous materials), vehicle exhaust fumes, and slippery surfaces; Employees will be provided appropriate personal protective equipment for all of these conditions
  • Engage in strenuous physical exertion, such as heavy lifting, crouching or crawling in restricted areas, climbing and running
  • Enforce all Federal laws without exception regardless of your own personal feelings about these laws and regulations
(limit characters)
6. Do you feel you would be able and willing to use deadly force (e.g., use your firearm) if you found yourself in a "life threatening" situation, to protect your life, the lives of fellow agents, or the lives of innocent bystanders? (limit characters)
7. This position requires wearing an officially approved uniform and complying with the Agency's Uniform and Grooming Standards Policy which identify specific requirements related to the employee's hair, facial hair, piercings, tattoos/brandings, etc.  For example, obscene, derogatory and/or gang tattoos or brandings shall not be visible and tattoos and/or brandings on the head and face are not permitted.  The Agency has the right to terminate employees should they enter on duty out of compliance with the Grooming Standards Policy.  Refer to the job announcement for more information and a link to the Grooming Standards.

I acknowledge and understand that should I enter on duty as an employee, I must comply with the Grooming Standards Policy, and if I enter on duty out of compliance, I understand that the Agency will remove me from the position.
(limit characters)
8. It is critical to our mission of protecting our nation's borders and citizens that Border Patrol Agents be available to work at any time. Therefore, it is a condition of employment that all Border Patrol Agents comply with the requirement to be available as part of their regular work schedule on weekends, evenings and nights, holidays and unscheduled overtime as CBP determines necessary.

Would you be able to work a schedule that could include changing your days off within the seven calendar days of Sunday through Saturday?
(limit characters)
9. U.S. Customs and Border Protection has a residency requirement that applies to all applicants not currently employed by CBP. Individuals are required to have physically resided in the United States or its protectorates (as declared under international law) for at least three (3) of the last five (5) years before completing an application for CBP employment. Primary residence is defined as the place where an individual physically resides and the place from which he or she commutes to an official duty station. An individual may have more than one residence (including but not limited to a second home, a vacation home, or an investment property), but can establish only one primary residence. If hired for this position, you will be required to maintain your primary residence in the United States.

If you do not meet the residency requirement as stated above and you have been physically located in a foreign location for more than two (2) of the last five (5) years, you may request an exception to determine if you are eligible for a residency waiver by meeting one or more of the following conditions:
  1. Working for the U.S. Government as a federal civilian or as a member of the military; or
  2. A dependent of a federal civilian or member of the military who was working for the U.S. Government; or
  3. Working as a contractor employee, a volunteer, a consultant or an intern for the U.S. Government, or
  4. Participation in a study abroad program sponsored by a U.S. affiliated college or university

If selected for a position, you must provide documentation to support a request for an exception to the residency requirement.

Do you meet the U.S. Customs and Border Protection residency requirement?
(limit characters)
10. In order to help us better understand our applicants, please select your highest education completed: (limit characters)
PENALTIES FOR INACCURATE OR FALSE STATEMENTS: The U.S. Criminal Code (Title 18, section 1001) provides that knowingly falsifying or concealing a material fact is a felony which may result in fines and/or up to five (5) years imprisonment. In addition, Federal agencies generally terminate, do not grant a security clearance to, or disqualify individuals who have materially and deliberately falsified these forms. Such actions remains a part of the permanent record for future placements. Your prospects of placement or security clearance are better if you answer all questions truthfully and completely. (limit characters)
11. To ensure the accomplishment of our mission, CBP requires every employee to be reliable, trustworthy, and fit for duty. I hereby certify to the best of my knowledge and belief, all of the information provided by me is true, correct, and complete and made in good faith. I understand that a false statement on any part of this inquiry may be grounds for not hiring me or for terminating me after I begin work. False or fraudulent information provided herein is also criminally punishable pursuant to federal law, including 10 U.S.C.1001.

By clicking "Yes" below, I certify that the information I have provided is true to the best of my knowledge.
(limit characters)