Army National Guard Units Logo
Position Title
Army National Guard Units
Announcement Number
IMP-12698622-25-SW-25-052T Opens in new window
Open Period
Monday, March 17, 2025 to Tuesday, April 1, 2025
For preview purposes only. To apply, please return to the USAJOBS announcement and click the Apply button.
1. US Citizens.  Are you a US Citizen? (limit characters)
1. Are you a current member of the Arizona Army National Guard? (limit characters)
2. Do you possess a Secret Security Clearance? (limit characters)
3. Do you possess the rank of W-2/CW2 to W-4/CW4? (limit characters)
4. Do you possess a 153M, 153D, or 153L MOS? (limit characters)
5. Applicants must demonstrate the following specialized experience competencies (skills, knowledge, and abilities) to qualify for entry appointments to GS-2181-13 Army National Guard Dual Status Warrant Officer positions.  Qualification competencies are determined by three factors: The aircraft operated; the nature and purpose of assignments; and, the degree of hazard. For Army National Guard positions, must have working experiences in civilian aviation programs; or, in military service aviation programs (active duty or reserve components); or, in the Army National Guard Aviation Support facilities; or, in Air National Guard Wing/ Operations Groups. To qualify, the applicant must have at least 2 years specialized competencies in operating a specific main-frame military aircraft, mission planning, and mission preparation. Experienced in reviewing and analyzing mission tasking, intelligence, and weather information. Experienced in filing flight plans and conducting crew briefings. Experienced in aircraft preflight inspections, aircraft loading, and equipment assessments. Experienced in performing or supervising work procedures involved in navigation, in-flight refueling, search and rescue operations or surveillance and reconnaissance. Competent in conducting or supervising the training of crew members in simple to complex mission specific tasks. Experienced in developing plans and policies, monitoring operations, and advising commanders. Knowledge is required in flight theory, air navigation, meteorology, flying directives, mission tactics, and operating procedures. Experienced in the unit flying, explosive, and ground safety programs in accordance with Department of Defense, Department of the Army, National Guard Bureau, and/or Occupational Safety and Health Administration policies, regulations, and directives.  

Do you meet the above qualification standards?
(limit characters)
Assessment 1
Respond to all statements and questions. These statements and questions allow applicants to highlight their Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (KSAs) which are applicable to the position for which you are applying. If it is necessary to limit the number of applicants for a position, these KSAs will be used to determine the "Best Qualified". For each KSA please identify below in the space provided how you have either demonstrated the KSA or have shown the potential to acquire them. Give specific examples describing related project, details, work assignments, outside activities, and the time frames involved in each. If you do not answer these statements and questions an accurate evaluation of your qualifications may not be possible. This may result in your application not being certified. (limit characters)
1. Knowledge in planning and implementing flight training and instruction for rated pilots and instructor pilots in accordance with the Aircrew Training Manual (ATM). (limit characters)
2. Ability to conduct training flights involving operating an aircraft through reference to instruments and use of ground base navigational equipment, ground control approach and instrument landing systems on and off Federal airways. (limit characters)
3. Ability to conduct refresher, mission and continuation combat training in advanced utility helicopters involving aggressor and defensive maneuvers, aerial gunnery, instructs pilots in the operation of transporting equipment and personnel in combat situations. (limit characters)
4. Ability to conduct training flights involving a substantial degree of hazard such as training helicopter pilots in advanced flight techniques required in combat situations, tactical flying at night in all weather conditions and with the use of night vision devices, flight maneuvers which take advantage of the terrain, low level flight, power critical takeoffs and landings, and flying in formation. (limit characters)
5. Knowledge in evasive maneuvers and emergency procedures involving engine failures and malfunctions of hydraulic and electrical systems over hazardous terrain. (limit characters)
Select “Yes” or “No” to the following question(s). (limit characters)
6. Applicants must demonstrate the following specialized experience competencies (skills, knowledge, and abilities) to qualify for entry appointments to GS-2181-13 Army National Guard Dual Status Warrant Officer positions.  Qualification competencies are determined by three factors: The aircraft operated; the nature and purpose of assignments; and, the degree of hazard. For Army National Guard positions, must have working experiences in civilian aviation programs; or, in military service aviation programs (active duty or reserve components); or, in the Army National Guard Aviation Support facilities; or, in Air National Guard Wing/ Operations Groups. To qualify, the applicant must have at least 2 years specialized competencies in operating a specific main-frame military aircraft, mission planning, and mission preparation. Experienced in reviewing and analyzing mission tasking, intelligence, and weather information. Experienced in filing flight plans and conducting crew briefings. Experienced in aircraft preflight inspections, aircraft loading, and equipment assessments. Experienced in performing or supervising work procedures involved in navigation, in-flight refueling, search and rescue operations or surveillance and reconnaissance. Competent in conducting or supervising the training of crew members in simple to complex mission specific tasks. Experienced in developing plans and policies, monitoring operations, and advising commanders. Knowledge is required in flight theory, air navigation, meteorology, flying directives, mission tactics, and operating procedures. Experienced in the unit flying, explosive, and ground safety programs in accordance with Department of Defense, Department of the Army, National Guard Bureau, and/or Occupational Safety and Health Administration policies, regulations, and directives.  

Do you meet the above qualification standards?
(limit characters)
7. Do you certify that all of your responses to this questionnaire are true and accurate; and do you accept that if your supporting documentation does not support one or more of your responses to the questionnaire that your application may be rated lower or you may be removed from further consideration? (limit characters)