Veterans Health Administration Logo
Position Title
Medical Technician (Phlebotomist)
Veterans Health Administration
Announcement Number
CBTG-12709477-25-BRS Opens in new window
Open Period
Monday, March 17, 2025 to Wednesday, March 26, 2025
For preview purposes only. To apply, please return to the USAJOBS announcement and click the Apply button.
1. Do you claim Veterans’ Preference? (limit characters)
2. Are you currently employed by the Department of Veterans Affairs?
This includes: Career/Career Conditional or Excepted Service (i.e. Canteen, Hybrid, Title 38, etc. and meets interchange agreement requirements). This does not include temporary, term or temporary intermittent.

To verify your eligibility, you must submit a copy of your most recent Notification of Personnel Action, Standard Form 50 (SF-50).  Your SF-50 must include enough information to be able to determine that time-in-grade requirements have been met (if applicable) and include your position title, pay plan/series/grade, tenure and the type of appointment (i.e. Competitive or Excepted).  Please be aware that award SF-50's do not always include this pertinent information.
(limit characters)
3. Are you an employee of the facility indicated for this position?
This includes: Career/Career Conditional or Excepted Service (i.e. Canteen, Hybrid, Title 38, etc. and meets interchange agreement requirements). This does not include temporary, term or temporary intermittent.

To verify your eligibility, you must submit a copy of your most recent Notification of Personnel Action, Standard Form 50 (SF-50).  Your SF-50 must include enough information to be able to determine that time-in-grade requirements have been met (if applicable) and include your position title, pay plan/series/grade, tenure and the type of appointment (i.e. Competitive or Excepted).  Please be aware that award SF-50's do not always include this pertinent information.
(limit characters)
4. Are you a former employee of the Department of Veterans Affairs who:

• formerly occupied a career or career conditional position at the VA within the preceding two years before applying for reemployment at VA; AND,
• voluntarily departed such position, or was subject to a reduction in force, and had a satisfactory performance record while occupying such position; AND,
• since departing VA has maintained licensing requirements, related to the position, if any, and gained skills, knowledge, or other factors related to the position; AND,
• possesses at least one year of specialized experience equivalent to the next lower grade level of the position sought?

Appointment under this authority is exempt from competitive examining procedures and Veteran's preference.

To verify your eligibility, you must provide a copy of your latest Notification of Personnel Action, Standard Form 50 that demonstrates you meet the requirements outlined in P.L. 115-46, VA Choice and Quality Employment Act of 2017, section 204.
(limit characters)
5. Are you a student and recent graduate of a qualifying educational institution who is:

(1) employed in a qualifying internship or fellowship program at the Department of Veterans Affairs; or
(2) employed in the Department of Veterans Affairs in a volunteer capacity and who are performing substantive duties comparable to those of individuals in an internship or fellowship program and who meet the required number of hours for conversion; or
(3) employed in the Department of Veterans Affairs under a contract or agreement with an external nonprofit organization and who are performing substantive duties comparable to those of individuals in an internship or fellowship program; or
(4) in receipt of Post 9/11 Educational Assistance under chapter 33 of title 38, United States Code (U.S.C.); 

Appointment under this authority is subject to Veteran's preference requirements.

To verify your eligibility, you must provide documentation that demonstrates you meet the requirements outlined in P.L. 115-46, VA Choice and Quality Employment Act of 2017, section 206. Such documentation may include:

Education - a copy of your latest transcript; statement from the institution's registrar, dean, or other appropriate official; or equivalent documentation.
Employment/Volunteerism - a copy of your Standard Form 50, letter from employer, non-profit agency, etc.
Educational Benefits - a copy of the Post 9/11 Educational Assistance benefit award letter, letter of completion of the Chapter 33 program, etc.
(limit characters)
6. Are you a veteran who separated from active duty under honorable conditions AND you:
  • have a rating by the Department of Veterans Affairs showing a compensable service-connected disability of 30% or more; OR,
  • retired from active military service with a service-connected disability rating of 30% or more?
For more information, review USAJOBS Veterans resources.

To verify your eligibility, you must submit a copy of your latest Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, DD-214 (copy indicating character of service) or other proof of your service which includes character of service. You must also submit the disability letter from the Department of Veterans Affairs or Armed Service and the Application for 10-Point Veteran Preference, Standard Form 15.
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7. Were you employed overseas as an Appropriated Fund employee AND did you:
  • complete 52 weeks of creditable overseas service in an appropriated fund position(s) as a family member during the time you accompanied a sponsor officially assigned to an oversea area; AND,
  • receive a fully successful or better (or equivalent) performance rating: AND,
  • return to the United States to resume residence less than 3 years ago?

For more information, review USAJOBS Former Overseas Employees resources.

To verify your eligibility, you must submit a copy of your latest Notification of Personnel Action, Standard Form 50, and performance appraisal.
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8. Are you the spouse of a current or former member of the Armed Forces? In accordance with revised 5 U.S.C. 3330d(b), the head of an agency may now appoint noncompetitively: the spouse of a member of the armed forces on active duty, the spouse of a 100 percent disabled member of the armed forces, or the spouse of a deceased member of the armed forces.

Active Duty Spouse
  • Includes all spouses of members of the armed forces on active duty.
  • Spouses do not have to relocate with active duty spouse.
Based on 100% Disability - As a military spouse, you may be eligible to be considered under this authority if:
  1. The military member was retired under Chapter 61 of title 10, United States Code with a 100% disability rating from the military; or
  2. Was released from active duty and has a disability rating of 100% from the Department of Veterans' Affairs or the military department.
Based on Service Member's Death
  • As the military spouse, you may be eligible if the military member was killed while on active duty (it does not have to be combat related), and you have not remarried.

To verify your eligibility, submit the following applicable documents:

  • Documentation verifying marriage: (i.e., marriage license, certificate or other government issued document certifying marriage to your military spouse or veteran.)
  • A copy of your spouses active-duty military orders.
  • DD-214: Certificate of release or discharge from active duty (Military spouses of 100% disabled separated or retired veterans and widows or widowers, who are not remarried, of military service members who were killed on active duty.)
  • DD 1300: Report of Casualty (Military spouses who are widows and widowers, and are not remarried, of military service members who were killed on active duty.)
  • Veterans Affairs Benefit Documentation of Deceased or Disabled Veteran. 

For more information, review USAJOBS Military Spouses resources

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9. Are you a current or former federal employee displaced from the agency hiring for this position? If yes, confirm:
  • you are located in the same local commuting area of the vacancy; AND,
  • you are applying to a position that is at or below the grade level of the position from which you were or will be separated; AND,
  • your grade is equivalent to or below the grade level of the vacancy; AND, 
  • your last performance rating of record is at least fully successful or the equivalent.

For more information, review the USAJOBS Help Center.

To verify your eligibility, you must submit supporting documentation such as a Reduction in Force (RIF) separation notice or a Proposed Removal/Separation notice to include your latest performance rating (if the notice does not have this information included, you must submit a copy of your most recent performance appraisal) and a copy of your latest Notification of Personnel Action, Standard Form 50.
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10. Have you completed at least 1 year of continuous service immediately before separation from one or more nontemporary Foreign Service appointments; AND, your separation from a Foreign Service career-type appointment occurred in the last 3 years (individuals entitled to veteran's preference do not need to meet this 3-year requirement)?


Have you completed at least 3 years of substantially continuous service under one or more nontemporary appointments in the Foreign Service immediately before separation from an unlimited, career-type appointment in that Service?


Are you a current or former limited non-career appointee with the Foreign Service and have at least 48 months of continuous service, a performance rating of satisfactory or better, and if a former employee, no more than a one year break in service since your qualifying appointment?

To verify your eligibility, you must submit a copy of your Notification of Personnel Action, Standard Form 50 (SF-50) reflecting your nontemporary status. If you are outside of the 3-year requirement but are entitled to veteran's preference, you must submit a copy of your latest Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, DD-214 (copy indicating character of service) or other proof of your service which includes character of service.
(limit characters)
11. Are you a current or former federal employee displaced from a position in a federal agency other than the Department of Veterans Affairs?  If yes, confirm:
  • you are located in the same local commuting area of the vacancy; AND,
  • you are applying to a position that is at or below the grade level of the position from which you were or will be separated; AND,
  • you are applying to a position that does not have greater promotion potential than the position from which you were or will be separated; AND,
  • your last performance rating of record is at least fully successful or the equivalent.
For more information, review the USAJOBS Help Center.

To verify your eligibility, you must submit supporting documentation such as a Reduction in Force (RIF) separation notice to include your latest performance rating (if the notice does not have this information included, you must submit a copy of your most recent performance appraisal) and a copy of your latest Notification of Personnel Action, Standard Form 50.
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12. Are you a current or former employee of a land management agency (Forest Service; Bureau of Land Management; National Park Service; Fish and Wildlife Service; Bureau of Indian Affairs; or Bureau of Reclamation) who:

• was originally hired to a time-limited position under a competitive appointment; AND,
• served one or more time-limited appointments at a land management agency for a period totaling more than 24 months without a break in service of two or more years; AND,
• performed at an acceptable level of service during each period of service; AND,
• if no longer employed by the land management agency, have been separated for no more than two years, and departed that position in good standing?

To verify your eligibility, you must provide a copy of your latest Notification of Personnel Action, Standard Form 50 (SF-50) and performance appraisal that demonstrates you meet the requirements outlined in the 5 U.S.C. 9602.
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13. Are you a former Peace Corps volunteer or VISTA member who has completed your service within the past twelve months?


Are you a former Peace Corps volunteer or VISTA member who has completed your service within the past 36 months and is requesting an extension of your non-competitive eligibility due to your military service, status as a full-time student or other experience related to this position?


Are you a current or former Peace Corps employee who has completed at least 36 months of continuous service and has been separated from the Peace Corps for less than three years?

To verify your eligibility, you must submit a copy of your description of service or other proof of non-competitive eligibility. If you are a former Peace Corps volunteer or VISTA member who is requesting an extension of your non-competitive eligibility, please also provide the necessary documentation to support your request.
(limit characters)
14. Are you a current Federal employee in the excepted service in an agency covered by an Interchange Agreement with at least one year of service in that position?  

For more information, review Interchange Agreements with Other Merit Systems


Are you a current:
• Postal Career Service Employee;
• Postal Rate Commission Employee;
• Government Accountability Office (GAO) Employee; or,
• Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts Employee?

For more information, review Miscellaneous Authorities Not Regulated By U.S. Office of Personnel Management

To verify your eligibility, you must submit a copy of your Notification of Personnel Action, Standard Form (SF-50) reflecting your status.
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15. Do you have an intellectual disability, severe physical disability, or psychiatric disability that qualifies you for Schedule A Disability appointments?

For more information, review USAJOBS Individuals with Disabilities resources.

To verify your eligibility, you must provide appropriate medical documentation, i.e., a letter signed by a licensed medical professional or licensed vocational rehabilitation specialist, certifying your documented disability and eligibility under Schedule A.
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16. Do you have prior Career or Career-Conditional Service with the Federal Government? If so, you may be eligible for reinstatement.

To verify your eligibility, you must submit a copy of your separation Notification of Personnel Action, Standard Form 50 (SF-50) or equivalent personnel action form reflecting your permanent, competitive status. Your separation SF-50 (or equivalent personnel action form) must reflect:
  • career or career-conditional (Tenure field box 24. is 1 or 2); AND, 
  • your status in the competitive service (Position Occupied field box 34. is 1).
  • highest grade previously held (Grade or Level field box 18.)
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17. Are you currently employed as a civilian employee in the competitive service in a federal agency other than the Department of Veterans Affairs?
To verify your eligibility, you must submit a copy of your latest Notification of Personnel Action, Standard Form 50 (SF-50) or equivalent personnel action form reflecting your permanent, competitive status. Your SF-50 (or equivalent personnel action form) must reflect:
  • career or career-conditional (Tenure field is 1 or 2); AND,
  • your status is in the competitive service (Position Occupied field is 1)
For more information visit here T5 Transfer
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18. Are you a veteran whose latest discharge was under honorable conditions spouse, widow/widower, or parent of a veteran,  AND you:
  • served three or more years of continuous active duty service in the military (NOTE: if released shortly before completing a 3-year tour, you are considered to meet the eligibility); OR,
  • are entitled to veterans' preference; OR,
  • are eligible for derived preference as a spouse, widow/widower, or parent of a veteran?
For more information, review USAJOBS Veterans resources.

To verify your eligibility, you must submit a copy of your latest Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, DD-214 (copy indicating character of service) or other proof of service which includes character of service. If applying as a spouse, widow/widower, or parent of a veteran eligible for derived preference you must provide acceptable documentation of your preference eligibility as outlined on the SF-15 form.  *Note current Federal employees must also meet Time-in-Grade requirements.
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19. Are you a veteran who separated from active duty under honorable conditions AND you:
  • recently separated (within the past 3 years); OR,
  • are a disabled veteran; OR,
  • served on active duty during a war, campaign or expedition; OR,
  • received an Armed Forces Service Medal?
If eligible, submit a copy of your latest Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, DD-214 (copy indicating character of service) or other proof of your service which includes character of service. If claiming disability preference, provide the disability letter from the Department of Veterans Affairs or Armed Service and the Application for 10-Point Veteran Preference, Standard Form 15.

For more information, review USAJOBS Veterans resources.

To verify your eligibility, you must submit a copy of your latest Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, DD-214 (copy indicating character of service) or other proof of your service which includes character of service. If claiming disability preference, you must also submit the disability letter from the Department of Veterans Affairs or Armed Service and the Application for 10-Point Veteran Preference, Standard Form 15.
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20. Are you an active duty service member expected to be discharged or released under honorable conditions within the next 120 days who will be eligible for Veterans' preference?  You may eligible to apply through the Veterans Opportunity to Work (VOW) Act based on tentative preference.

To verify your eligibility, you must submit a "certification" on appropriate letterhead from your branch of service that certifies you are expected to be discharged or released from active duty service under honorable conditions not later than 120 days after the date the certification is signed.  Note: If selected, prior to appointment you will be required to provide your DD-214 and/or other supporting documentation to verify that you are eligible for Veterans' preference.

For more information, review USAJOBS Veterans resources.
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1. Which of the following items describes your current or recent (within the last five years) political appointee service?

If you responded yes to any of the items below, you will need to include a SF-50 specifying your prior service.
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Your resume must be submitted in English and include the following information for each job listed:
  • Job title Duties (be as detailed as possible)
  • Month & year start/end dates (e.g. June 2007 to April 2008)
  • Full-time or part-time status (include hours worked per week)
  • Series and Grade, if applicable, for all Federal positions you have held
  • Please be aware that your answers will be verified against information provided on your resume. Be sure that your resume clearly supports your responses to all of the questions by addressing your work experience in detail.
Recommended: Even though we do not require a specific resume format, your resume must be clear so that we are able to fully evaluate your qualifications. To ensure you receive appropriate consideration, please list the duties you performed under each individual job title. If we are unable to match your experiences with the positions held, you may lose consideration for this vacancy. We cannot make assumptions regarding your qualifications. Do not include a photograph or video of yourself, or any sensitive information (age, date of birth, marital status, protected health information, religious affiliation, social security number, etc.) on your resume or cover letter. We will not access web pages or encrypted, and digitally signed documents linked on your resume or cover letter to determine your qualifications.
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By submitting your application, you are certifying, to the best of your knowledge and belief, all the information submitted by you with your application for employment is true, complete, and made in good faith, and that you have truthfully and accurately represented your work experience, knowledge, skills, abilities and education (degrees, accomplishments, etc.). The information you provide as part of your application may be investigated. You are also certifying, and acknowledging, that misrepresenting your experience or education, or providing false or fraudulent information in, or with your application, may affect your eligibility for appointment and/or continued employment. False or fraudulent statements may be punishable by fine or imprisonment (18 U.S.C. 1001). (limit characters)
Assessment 1
Select the appropriate answer to each of the following questions based on your current level of experience and/or education or training that demonstrates your ability to perform the duties of this position. When answering the questionnaire, remember that your experience and education are subject to verification by investigation. You may be asked to provide specific examples or documentation of experience or education as proof to support your answers, or you may be required to verify a response by a practical demonstration of your claimed ability to perform a task. If your resume does not support your questionnaire answers, we will not allow credit for your response(s). (limit characters)
English Language Proficiency (limit characters)
1. In accordance with 38 U.S.C. 7402(d), No person shall serve in direct patient care positions unless they are proficient in basic written and spoken English. Are you proficient in basic written and spoken English?
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Minimum Qualification Requirements: Select the one statement below that best describes your current level of experience and/or education to meet the minimum requirements for this position. Please refer to the Qualifications and Duties sections of this announcement for detailed information. (limit characters)
2. For this Medical Technician, GS-5 position, do you have: At least one (1) full year of specialized experience, equivalent to at least the GS-4 grade level, that equipped you with the particular knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA's) to successfully perform the duties of the position, and that is typically in or related to the work of the position to be filled? Specialized experience is: (a) Technical medical laboratory support work such as performing laboratory tests and examinations (chemical, microbiologic, hematologic and blood banking) and preparing reports of findings or (b) technical support work in a closely related field, e.g., biological laboratory technician work, that required application of the methods and techniques for the position to be filled. At this level, specialized experience should include experience performing a variety of relatively standardized tests, examinations, and determinations. The procedures and techniques are well-established but involve many meticulous sequential steps to complete a test; and following written procedures which give carefully detailed instructions on each step of the assigned test and examinations.
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3. For this Medical Technician, GS-5 position, have you: Successfully completed a full 4-year course of study leading to a bachelor's degree with major study or at least 24 semester hours in subjects appropriate to the position to be filled? (Transcripts must be submitted at time of application)
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4. For this Medical Technician, GS-5 position, do you have: Equivalent combinations of post-high school education and specialized experience, as described above? Note: only education in excess of the first 60 semester hours of a course of study leading to a bachelor's degree is creditable toward meeting the specialized experience requirements. Two full academic years of study, or 60 semester hours, beyond the second year is equivalent to l year of specialized experience. (Transcripts must be submitted at time of application)
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For each task in the following groups, choose the statement from the list below that best describes your experience and/or training. (limit characters)
The following statements pertain to Specimen Collection: Uses proper specimen collection techniques (phlebotomy/venipuncture, finger sticks, urine, sputum, tissue, etc.); selects appropriate site for sample collection to minimize patient discomfort; uses correct containers and labels; monitors patients for adverse reactions. (limit characters)
Select the one statement that most accurately describes your training and experience carrying out each task using the scale provided. (limit characters)
5. Performs blood collection using a variety of phlebotomy techniques including vacutainer systems, syringe, butterfly, and/or capillary finger sticks.
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6. Collects blood specimens, using correct container and order of draw.
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7. Collects urine specimens and cultures in a manner that preserves the integrity of sample.
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8. Processes emergency specimens and routine specimens in a timely manner.
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9. Follows proper protocol for specialty blood draws.
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10. Evaluates the suitability of specimens.
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The following statements pertain to Computer Skills: Uses computers, software applications, databases, and automated systems to accomplish work. (limit characters)
Select the one statement that most accurately describes your training and experience carrying out each task using the scale provided. (limit characters)
11. Prepares electronic requisitions for samples to be sent to the reference laboratories.
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12. Uses a computer to retrieve laboratory test information.
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13. Performs computerized accessioning of patient specimens.
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14. Identifies inpatients and outpatients for whom laboratory tests have been ordered, and prints labels for appropriate blood samples.
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15. Understands and utilizes information resource technology (i.e. computers, printers, label printers, copy machines, phones, fax machines, various computer information packages, etc.).
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The following statements pertain to Customer Service: Works and communicates with clients and customers (e.g., any individuals who use or receive the services or products that your work unit provides, including individuals who work in your agency or in other agencies or organizations outside the Government) to satisfy their expectations. Committed to quality services. (limit characters)
Select the one statement that most accurately describes your training and experience carrying out each task using the scale provided. (limit characters)
16. Provides education to patients for proper collection techniques of urine, stool, or other fluid collections.
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17. Interacts with patients, visitors, staff, students and volunteers in a courteous, helpful, tactful, cooperative, respectful and compassionate manner.
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18. Responds positively and in a timely manner to customer requests for service or information.
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19. Handles conflict and problems in dealing with the customer constructively and appropriately.
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The following statements pertain to Patient Care: Knowledge of direct patient care techniques, including activities of daily living (ADLs), ambulating patients, infection control, and emergency response; uses appropriate safety precautions. (limit characters)
Select the one statement that most accurately describes your training and experience carrying out each task using the scale provided. (limit characters)
20. Identifies patients and ensure proper sample procurement and specimen labeling.
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21. Assesses patient condition before, during, and after procedures.
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22. Administers initial intervention in the event of an emergency.
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23. Observes and reports any physical or mental changes during patient blood draws.
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24. Prepares samples for testing to include labeling, centrifugation, etc.
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The following statements pertain to Quality Assurance: Knowledge of principles, methods, and tools of quality assurance and quality control used to ensure a product fulfills functional requirements and standards. (limit characters)
Select the one statement that most accurately describes your training and experience carrying out each task using the scale provided. (limit characters)
25. Sterilizes and autoclaves contaminated material according to safety policies.
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26. Cleans glassware and other reusable items following established policies and procedures
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27. Adheres to all universal precautions, infection control, and safety regulations associated with phlebotomy.
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28. Collects specimens using proper patient identification and specimen labeling.
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29. Maintains operational and quality control logs, records, and worksheets.
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30. Identifies unusual test results or discrepancies/conditions that can lead to erroneous results.
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RESUME REMINDER- Your resume must include the following information each job listed: Job title; Duties (be as detailed as possible); Month & year start/end dates (e.g. June 2007 to April 2008); Full-time or part-time status (include hours worked per week); Series and Grade, if applicable, for all Federal positions you have held. Please be aware that your answers will be verified against information provided on your resume. Be sure that your resume clearly supports your responses to all of the questions by addressing your work experience in detail. Recommended: Even though we do not require a specific resume format, your resume must be clear so that we are able to fully evaluate your qualifications. To ensure you receive appropriate consideration, please list the duties you performed under each individual job title. If we are unable to match your experiences with the positions held, you may lose consideration for this vacancy. We cannot make assumptions regarding your qualifications. (limit characters)
Transcript Reminder - If you are basing your qualifications on education (or a combination of education and experience) or if the position requires a college education to qualify, you must submit a copy of your transcripts with your application. (limit characters)
Veteran's Preference Documentation Reminder - In order to receive appropriate preference consideration, you should submit proper documentation if you are claiming eligibility for veteran's preference, which includes a copy of your DD-214 (member copy 4 or earlier version that shows character of service). Applicant's claiming 10-Point preference should also submit an SF-15, Application for 10-Point Veteran's Preference along with the required documentation listed on the SF-15 form (such as verification of service-connected disability percentage). (limit characters)